Did anyone see that episode of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia? I just started watching it, I would have to say its on par with Top Gear as my new favorite show on TV. That episode is now on Hulu, i highly recommend watching it, without food or liquids anywhere near the computer, because you will spit it out in laughter...

I'm so doing this tonight with some of my son's socks. I have three cats and a house of freshly waxed hardwood floors. The hard part will be not letting my wife catch me....
11/13/09 9:46 a.m.
I watch it too, its not my favorite, but it is definitely entertaining. I almost feel like its a "family guy-esque" type of comedy where you dont need to watch any of the previous episodes to know whats going on. It's off the wall for sure. and there seems to be a lot of episodes with cats...
has anyone else noticed that danny devito is like insane amounts of short? I mean i always knew he was short... but this is just a different perspective.
11/13/09 10:06 a.m.
I think the Second or Third season is the funniest but I am still laughing at the new ones. Last nights was pretty good, too.
I was trying to describe the show to someone and the best way I could put it was like this: "Seinfeld on crack." Not just because the characters are all wacky but because they did crack in an episode.
I got some of those for my 80lb. dog; ice used to get stick between his toes.
Bwahahahahahaha... Pigs on roller skates! The look on his face I felt so bad I had to take them off. They're velcro booties with grippy soles, almost worth the price for three minutes entertainment.

11/14/09 12:32 p.m.
god, the cat falling at the end is classic lol
Kitten mittons. With an o-n. Last episode was great, the look on sweet d's face when the bird got off the leash was worth the while episode.