Well they had the trailer a few months back, I finally just downloaded and watched it, and the actual show starts next week. Who is going to watch it? 
More than likely I'll watch it because the car is cool and hey cheese ball shows will be good for letting my brain relax after studying at the university all day.
I actually got thinking about it driving through town and seeing an 80's Firebird like the one used for the original KITT for sale.
I never watched the first one, and doubt I'll pay attention to this one. I 'spect it will be crap piled onto a load of dung.
NYG95GA wrote:
I never watched the first one, and doubt I'll pay attention to this one. I 'spect it will be crap piled onto a load of dung.
yeah but that would still make it better than most of the garbage on TV 
the unrealistic transforming is a bit excessive. Would have been nice to just stick with the stealth skin like the pilot or more morph more cleanly like the viper tv show.
shuttlepilot wrote:
the unrealistic transforming is a bit excessive. Would have been nice to just stick with the stealth skin like the pilot or more morph more cleanly like the viper tv show.
the viper morphed into a monster truck, how is that a cleaner morph
lol I had forgotten about the whole viper series completely...
As is standard practice with TV shows nowadays, I'm not even going to bother giving it a look.
the two hour pilot was really lame.
what happened to buzz and tod and that corvette on route 66?
Without David Hasselhoff it doesn't have a chance.
The showing of Hasselhoff and the other characters from the orginal Knight Rider was SO predictable.
The show itself was eh. Going back and forth between Arizona and California was a bit much (didn't they go back and forth like 5x?) so they could use puruit mode.
The car itself was cool, but every commercial was Ford related. After the 2nd commercial break you were like "ENOUGH ALREADY!"
I might watch the 1st episode to see if it goes downhill or not. Heroes is what I'm looking forward to with the original writers back after the writer's strike last year.
9/19/08 9:54 a.m.
CivicSiRacer wrote:
The car itself was cool, but every commercial was Ford related. After the 2nd commercial break you were like "ENOUGH ALREADY!"
I might watch the 1st episode to see if it goes downhill or not. Heroes is what I'm looking forward to with the original writers back after the writer's strike last year.
That reminds me of this magazine I subscribe to. One time they had this issue that was almost entirely comprised of Ford related articles and ads, it was like a bad Twilight Zone episode because it was so out of character. Fortunately, it seemed to be minimized in the issues before and after, so I didn't have to cancel my subscription or anything. 
That's a good point about Heroes. I rarely watch any TV at all, but I did get sucked into Heroes during the first season, only time that has EVER happened to me. The second season sucked, so I pretty much wrote it off...but hadn't considered the writer's strike. Perhaps I'll give it one more go and see if they can recover from the damage done in season two...I don't expect much, but it's worth one more try.
Just one look at a show will make you scratch your head and wonder how some of this drivel gets on the air, of course in this case it's that the car manufacturer underwrote the series. As is becoming increasingly popular to the networks, this is a slightly entertaining informericial and nothing more.
GameboyRMH wrote:
As is standard practice with TV shows nowadays, I'm not even going to bother giving it a look.
+1. 99% of TV is crapola. There's a few shows that I can stand at times: 'My Name is Earl' and 'The Office' are both worth catching occasionally. 'Psych' and 'Monk' can be entertaining but they turn just plain silly a lot of the time.
Most of my TV is 'Mythbusters' and History Channel and I'll try to catch sportscar racing on SPEED.
Hey, while I'm thinking about TV: the 'MotorWeek' episode with LeMons South is due to air tonight 9/19 on PBS and on the 23rd on SPEED.
Nashco wrote:
That's a good point about Heroes. I *rarely* watch any TV at all, but I did get sucked into Heroes during the first season, only time that has EVER happened to me. The second season sucked, so I pretty much wrote it off...but hadn't considered the writer's strike. Perhaps I'll give it one more go and see if they can recover from the damage done in season two...I don't expect much, but it's worth one more try.
The original writer Tim King apologized on the website saying the writer strike caused Season 2 to be so bad. The writers who took over took Heroes in a direction he didn't want.
Come to think of it, 'Lost' showed a lot of promise with the first couple of episodes. Then it turned just plain ridiculous, loaded with tinfoil hat government coverup conspiracy black helicopter creating a super race idiocy. That aggravated me- like it wasn't enough to be stranded with very little chance of rescue? There could have been plenty of good story lines, but noooooo- gotta go stoopid.
Sorry, no can watch- I'll puke.
Jensenman wrote:
like it wasn't enough to be stranded with very little chance of rescue? There could have been plenty of good story lines, but noooooo- gotta go stoopid.
Well yeah but that has already been done...it was called Gilligan's Island 
Who cares? The Office starts on Thursday.
New Reader
9/21/08 10:25 p.m.
I'll pass on the show as remakes most of the time are no good.
9/21/08 10:46 p.m.
I cancelled my cable ten years ago. The only time I watch TV is at the gym - earphones, treadmill and half an hour of mindless drivel - it doesn't get any better. :)
carguy123 wrote:
Just one look at a show will make you scratch your head and wonder how some of this drivel gets on the air, of course in this case it's that the car manufacturer underwrote the series. As is becoming increasingly popular to the networks, this is a slightly entertaining informericial and nothing more.
You know, if you think back about how craptastic the original knight rider show was, this fits right in. When I was a kid, i didn't know the plot was retarded, i just stared at the cool talking firebird. It might not be for us, but maybe a new generation of kids will become engineers and lust over stangs when they grow up.
Heck, i still feel the need to make build myself an airwolf. That was a really bad show.