And how do I spend it? Wrenching on the Olds? No. Booze strippers and explosions? Nope. Buying a Harley and running for the border? HA! Nope I spent the day running errands for the wedding and reception.
At least I got a cool ring. It is made from a 100+ year old damascus shot gun barrel. A friend from work made it for me as my wedding present. How I convinced her to let me go with that I will never know.
rebelgtp wrote:
How I convinced her to let me go with that I will never know.
Because you found the right girl. Have a great wedding tomorrow!
Congrats. You made it farther than I. I always run about a month prior to lockdown. Good luck.
In reply to Rob_Mopar:
You are right about that. She likes working on cars and even has her own project car. She goes shooting with me and also goes hunting and fishing. How I lucked out I will never know.
5/2/13 10:09 p.m.
any pictures of your ring? sounds interesting.
5/2/13 10:34 p.m.
Does she have a younger sister? 
Smog I will get one up once things settle down.
Yamaha well she has a sister that is two years older than her but then Tiff is ten years younger than me