my snow blower stopped working last night. My gut is telling me that the motor seized because it doesn't want to turn when I try to pull the cord. I am also guessing that because the last tank was straight fuel with no oil added. If I did lock the motor, can I unlock it by adding oil? I know that can be done on some 4 strokers. I really can't afford to buy a new one and I don't want to break my back shoveling my parking lot. HELP!!!l
bonus offer to someone who can fix it locally. I should have the lift installed by Wednesday
I'm thinking that motor is done, time for a new one. If it were me, I'd put it on a CC because I will never be without a snowblower again......
don't like credit cards, plus chances are every snow blower will be sold today other than $$$ ones. Looked into it last year before we bought this one used for about $100. I'll probably get a motor worst case scenario. Just hoping a can free this one up and make in run again.
Motor is cooked. Can it be fixed? Depends.. Sometimes 2 strokes have easily replaceable cylinders and pistons.
might get away with new rings and a hone for $40
If it ran straight gas, and seized, there's a good chance the bottom end bearings are done.
Ok, I'll be "That Guy" Why oh Why was it running straight gas ??? I don't lend some stuff just because of this (had a kick-a$$ backpack leaf blower get cooked by someone who knew better)
it ran on straight gas because he didn't see the bottle of 2 cycle on the shelf. it's partially my fault too, I didn't think of pouring some in until after the motor locked
maybe I'll take it apart later for an autopsy. then I'll have to hunt for either cheap parts or a replacement motor.
Sometimes they unlock as they cool down and will continue to run.
If its sat overnight to cool down and is still locked, its new snow blower time.
I wouldnt bother with a new engine for it, as a whole used snowblower will be cheaper and easier than sourcing just a motor or rebuild parts unless you get very lucky and find one that ran fine but disintegrated otherwise.
I bet it will be the last time you ever put straight gas in a 2 stroke. My uncle did the same thing with a $600 Stihl chainsaw. The pain never goes away.
93gsxturbo wrote:
Sometimes they unlock as they cool down and will continue to run.
If its sat overnight to cool down and is still locked, its new snow blower time.
I wouldnt bother with a new engine for it, as a whole used snowblower will be cheaper and easier than sourcing just a motor or rebuild parts unless you get very lucky and find one that ran fine but disintegrated otherwise.
I bet it will be the last time you ever put straight gas in a 2 stroke. My uncle did the same thing with a $600 Stihl chainsaw. The pain never goes away.
I hope you are right that it unlocks on cool down. that would be awesome. That would also give me time to go find a 4 stroke.
you were right. it cooled down I added oil and started it up. did the whole lot here, did the MIL house, did my buds place, and it still runs. WIN!
Glad to hear it. Better go buy a lottery ticket, its your lucky day.
93gsxturbo wrote:
Glad to hear it. Better go buy a lottery ticket, its your lucky day.
He's not kidding, MAN, did you luck out. Although it would have been educational pulling out the piston, honing the cylinder wall, reassembling it, and see if it worked. 
I tend to be lucky on little things, its the big things that are not so much.
Take the empty container of 2 Stroke oil, pop a hole in it & zip-tie to the handle of the gas can. Anyone using any other gas can may require "Percussive Maintainance" to the crainium ! (or threat of being downgraded to snow shovel....)
Or maybe get a 1-gal gas can, premix fuel/oil in it and have already mixed fuel ready to go. Top off and go. That's what I found is the easiest to do with my 2-stroke weedeaters.
~Not really much use for a snowblower here, even this past weekend only brought a couple inches and this is like only the 2nd time in the 12 years I've lived here that we had any measurable amount of snow that lasted more than a day~
I may get a second can, but the blower is the only 2 stroker in the fleet.
internetautomart wrote:
I may get a second can, but the blower is the only 2 stroker in the fleet.
A second gas can is cheap compared to... well anything really!