I'm planning to put a sound system up in the brewery to listen to tunes while working. I'll probably purchase used off Craigslist. I do not need it to be mobile; it'll just get placed on top of our walk-in cooler. It'll be off the ground, but there is frequently high humidity in the brewery.
What things should I look for in terms of size, amplifier, speakers, etc? Brands that are particularly good or bad?
2/10/16 9:40 a.m.
I've got some killer studio speakers that are often used fir PA use.
I'll look for the link....
2/10/16 9:42 a.m.
Found it.
You are in Columbus so if you want cheap PA equipment hit up one of the 2 Music Go Rounds.
My PA stuff is mostly cheap used Nady and it has been good enough for the crappy bands I was in.
I suggest finding something that goes up to 11.
2/10/16 11:51 a.m.
An actual Public Address system with speakers spread out over hundreds/thousands of square feet or are you looking for a residential style receiver and speakers located within 20 feet of it?
If it's the latter and you're concerned about humidity, I've had good luck with stereo equipment at Goodwill and a can of contact cleaner. The receivers I've bought there were like $10-15 and the can of contact cleaner from HomeDeLowes for $8.
Careful. You will be liable for music licensing fees if you have a large, central sound system. IIRC personal radios with attached speakers (boom boxes and such) that are not permanently mounted are exempt from fees.
Isn't the easy way around that to use xm or sirius? No clue that is just what I have heard
2/10/16 3:44 p.m.
We used to use a E36 M3ty boombox with an attached laptop to stream. Plenty loud.
RossD wrote:
An actual Public Address system with speakers spread out over hundreds/thousands of square feet or are you looking for a residential style receiver and speakers located within 20 feet of it?
If it's the latter and you're concerned about humidity, I've had good luck with stereo equipment at Goodwill and a can of contact cleaner. The receivers I've bought there were like $10-15 and the can of contact cleaner from HomeDeLowes for $8.
Sort of in-between? Amp and input would be down on my "desk" just off the ground. Speakers would be up on a walk-in cooler. Cords would probably run 20'-40'. Maybe (unlikely) up to 80' if we decide to strategically suspend speakers from the rafters.
Needs to fill a brewery cellar that is a couple thousand sq.ft. with 15' ceilings.
Beer Baron wrote:
RossD wrote:
An actual Public Address system with speakers spread out over hundreds/thousands of square feet or are you looking for a residential style receiver and speakers located within 20 feet of it?
If it's the latter and you're concerned about humidity, I've had good luck with stereo equipment at Goodwill and a can of contact cleaner. The receivers I've bought there were like $10-15 and the can of contact cleaner from HomeDeLowes for $8.
Sort of in-between? Amp and input would be down on my "desk" just off the ground. Speakers would be up on a walk-in cooler. Cords would probably run 20'-40'. Maybe (unlikely) up to 80' if we decide to strategically suspend speakers from the rafters.
Needs to fill a brewery cellar that is a couple thousand sq.ft. with 15' ceilings.
That's not really a huge space. I'd find a good deal on a Craigslist Yamaha/Pioneer/Onkyo or some other decent Best buy level receiver with some good home speakers and call it a day.
PA stuff is not really ideal for music reproduction unless you can do a specific audio mix for the situation. Like, my shop is 2400 sq.ft. and my synths and drum machines are hooked up to a small Yamaha PA with a built-in mixer. But the TV and radio is hooked up to a Yamaha receiver with whatever speakers came in the combo deal from Best Buy when the original owner bought it. Sounds way better than running through the PA.
2/10/16 7:58 p.m.
The Celestions I mentioned have been my left and right speakers in my high-end home theater. They will have NO problem filling that room, and sound better than anything at 3+ times the price.
..just sayin'
In reply to DrBoost:
I'm interested. Are you selling just the speakers? Or is there an amp too? Not that it'd be too tough to source an amp.
(I think I have an old e-mail attached to my GRM account, so you can't PM me. But you can e-mail me at: Cameron {at} Lloyd {dot} aero)
2/10/16 10:34 p.m.
I just sent you an e-mail.