I'm not real politically savvy, but am I right in saying that there are people out there who have so much extra money that they don't know what to do with who are giving literally millions of dollars away to be spend on television commercials to maybe perhaps help someone get elected? If you have the money, I have no problem spending it on something you believe in, but how do we get these people to believe in grassroots motor sports? I know a few racers on here who would definitely win with a spare million or two!
They don't spend millions on something they believe in, they invest millions in a candidate who will turn around and create laws or write contracts that will net them tens of millions above what they spent.
This thread is relevant to my interests. I believe after last night I may need a new liver. Possibly a new head too.
What he said. This is just a flounder magnet, pinchey.
fromeast2west wrote:
They don't spend millions on something they believe in, they invest millions in a candidate who will turn around and create laws or write contracts that will net them tens of millions above what they spent.
They think they will net more money than it costs.
6/18/12 11:14 a.m.
Campaign finance is a joke. I would have voted for Buddy Rohmer over even the most liberal of candidates because I believe so strongly in the fact that our modern system of government elects corporate interests.
We need to eliminate any ability for organizations to donate to political campaigns, and put a cap on both the individual contributions and TOTAL campaign budget.
Bingo--- those rich folks didn't get rich by being stupid, those donations are investments---- they pay off!
Elect GRMJoeG as leader and my first proclamation will be:
Publicly funded campaigns---
Running for Senate / House / Pres.? Once you gather XXX,XXX signatures you qualify. Then you are given $XXX,XXX to run your campaign. TV time will also be "public service" time -- given to all candidates evenly.
If you are caught cheating in any way---- the criminal charge would be treason, with a minimum of 20 years in prison. Sorry, you are threatening the security of the United States by undermining the political system--- go to jail.
I know I'd happily donate $100 per year to a national election fund. Take the big $$ out of politics, and return power to the populace.
IMHO the Citizens United ruling was one of the worst decisions of my lifetime. It completely de-ligitimizes our system of government.
I totally agree with everything that Joe said above.
Yepper, I have been preaching that since I got accepted into the USA
Joe Gearin wrote:
IMHO the Citizens United ruling was one of the worst decisions of my lifetime. It completely de-ligitimizes our system of government.

I like what Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren are doing with the Mass. Senatorial Campaign. Basically, if a Super PAC airs an ad attacking one of the candidates, then the other candidate must donate the price of that ad from their campaign war chest to a charity of the opponent's choosing. It's working so far. Here's hoping it holds up until Nov. (not holding my breath).