3/30/16 10:51 p.m.
So, other than a few forums the closest I have to social media is LinkedIn. Mostly that just gets me unsolicited interest from recruoters trying to hire me for a job I don't want. I know I'm not the only one without a facebook, twitter, instagram, pintrest and whatever else is out there accounts.
My question is this: Are there any antisocial media apps? If not, why not?
3/30/16 10:54 p.m.
Uhh, what exactly would it do??
3/30/16 11:18 p.m.
I guess it would work something like the above. Or maybe it would just be a place on the internet I could mutter to myself? I don't know, that's why I asked. 
4chan? Most users are anonymous, and it's pretty antisocial 
3/31/16 8:18 a.m.
Start a free blog, rant or rave there, and don't tell anybody about it. You may get a few bots following you.
I use an app called whisper for that. No profiles, fairly anonymous, but fair warning, YOU WLL JOIN ME CHEERING ON THE ASTEROID STRIKE.
Seriously, if you actually think society has a future, see what these worthless excuses for people actually think and feel. It's an adult only app, flooded with teenagers, from around the world. And holy E36 M3, we're berkeleyed as a planet when these anxiety cases grow up. I had no idea in the 13 year since I graduated high school it had gotten so bad.
Examples from past days on the popular page "Teachers shouldn't force shy students to answer questions" "I finished a whole chapstick for the first time ever at 25" "do guys find whatever attractive?" "Free stuff for everyone!!" and usually a few of the dumbest anti trump slogans and messages I've ever seen. (don't care about politics, like I said, I'm pulling for Asteroid Strike 2016)
Funny. The mainstream media is acting in a way that is detrimental to society, and as such is "antisocial media."
I joined a support group for antisocial people. We haven't met yet.
Honestly finishing a whole rube of chapstick is a pretty big deal. I don't think I've ever done it.
3/31/16 11:58 a.m.
I'm convinced Facebook IS anti-social media... You post stuff at your friends instead of actually speaking to them or doing anything with them.
The personal blog idea mentioned above is even better at that though...
In reply to revrico:
What can I do to campaign for this asteroid strike? I'd take a meteor too since I can never remember the difference.
Wall-e wrote:
In reply to revrico:
What can I do to campaign for this asteroid strike? I'd take a meteor too since I can never remember the difference.
I'm thinking of crowdsourcing a satellite with a beacon on it.
3/31/16 12:19 p.m.
Wall-e wrote:
In reply to revrico:
What can I do to campaign for this asteroid strike? I'd take a meteor too since I can never remember the difference.
Asteroid/meteor 2016. Theres a political disaster i can believe in.
You could get together and talk about how you like that you don't have to talk to anyone.
T.J. wrote:
Or maybe it would just be a place on the internet I could mutter to myself?
I think that's called a blog.
You know, I finished a whole tube of chapstick a few weeks ago. I think that was the first one, and it took me >2x longer than that punk kid above to do it.
There is an antisocial app. It's called PGP.
Maybe just an app that has a button you push and it makes your phone shout insults at you?
I'll call it "Go berkeley Myself"
You need an app that automatically denies every bookface friend request.
Mike wrote:
There is an antisocial app. It's called PGP.
A key-signing party is a social event, even if it's the saddest one possible 
Also it will make you a celebrity in certain circles!
Huckleberry wrote:
Maybe just an app that has a button you push and it makes your phone shout insults at you?
I'll call it "Go berkeley Myself"
I could code this up as a shellscript if anyone's interested!
nepa03focus wrote:
Honestly finishing a whole rube of chapstick is a pretty big deal. I don't think I've ever done it.
SWMBO is addicted to chapstick- no joke. I don't think I'd ever seen an empty tube of the stuff (other than ones that had melted...) until I met her- now I see them on a regular basis. When I cleaned out her car before taking it to be detailed there were like a half dozen empty ones stashed around the car.