There are CO2 air guns that are pretty interesting, including one that's literally a short barrel shotgun. People have done some interesting stuff with those.
If you are in a neighborhood though I'd recommend bear spray. They shoot a long distance and if your dog was in the crossfire it wouldn't be lethal.
Downside is it wouldn't be lethal for the coyote if that's what you are looking for
Legality varies by region, but there are pepper spray paint balls available if you're looking for a truly less than lethal option.
6/21/22 9:13 a.m.
Your dog needs a dog. I'd get a Great Pyrenees.

Seriously, we don't have many coyotes here but we do have some as well as foxes. Both Milo (RIP) and our newly adopted Denny were/are small Pyrs at about 80 and 90lbs respectively. Both were/are super gentle around humans and children especially, both very friendly with other dogs and know when to be gentle with a Cav. King Charles vs rough house with a Labrador.
And both go absolutely apeE36 M3 over a coyote in their vicinity. We didn't see a fox or a coyote within 3 houses of us for 3 months after Milo passed. Haven't seen one yet since Denny has been here (3 weeks, but 2 with bad pneumonia), but I hope that when we do, it isn't in the yard because if it is I'll have to deal with a dead coyote or fox.
In reply to mtn :
What a fantastic picture that is. I am oddly having trouble wrapping my mind around that that sweet looking dog did the deed. Color me impressed.
And, FWIW, coyotes love watermelon and might be drawn in if you wanted to setup a place of your choosing.
OTOH this thread is two years old. Whatever happened with this situation?
In reply to P3PPY :
First, Watson the dog hasn't been attacked in the two years since I started this thread.
Second, mtn's "your dog needs a dog" has become a lexicon in the Reven' household.
Essentially, we've added a Ring to receive preemptive alerts and we carry a BFM "Machete" when we take Watson out in the dark.
It's all about drought levels...when there's sufficient water they reliably stay away, when it's dry they make mischief, and when it's really dry, they're seriously dangerous.
I've also implemented plan "B" but that's all I'm going to say about that.
Starts with "clay" and rhymes with "more"