patgizz wrote: as a northerner, here is my perspective. the south is scary. people have less teeth than i do. they speak in tongues, i can't understand a thing they say. they fear change and hate people from the north, and still blame us because they can't own people to work for them anymore. they also hate catalytic converters, non budweiser beer, they all drive trucks with at least 12 inches of lift that have confederate flags on them, and the entire state of georgia smells like a landfill for some reason.and if someone is offended by that, they do not have a sense of humor.
You sir obviously do not understand us southerners and should return home immediately.
We have more teeth than you, we just keep them in our pocket.
We don't talk funny, you do. God talks like we do.
We don't hate catalytic converters, we use them like another form of currency.
Budweiser is not the beer of the south, Busch and PBR are. Budweiser is too high fluent for us blue collar people, your thinking the snooty southerners beer.
How dare you insult our trucks, 12 inch lift. That is what we give our kids on the 14th birthday for their little trucks. Minimum is 18 inches on the big ones. All in the lift blocks.
Georgia smells like dead bodies and lye from all the hidden Yankees.