10/18/21 5:35 a.m.
I am in the market. I am going to purchase new.
Sweetwater is likely my go-to.
This is a multi-purpose purchase.
1-A gift for my special needs son. I think he will be able to join in with family recordings.
2-To be used as a sketch pad for song writing. I've borrowed a set in the past. Several of us in my herd sort of play drums well enough to be dangerous.
We are not real drummers, so head feel and such doesn't crush my soul. I'd like to keep it under a grand.
Anyone have any experience?
In reply to jh36 :
I thought about picking up a used kit to keep at home if anyone stopped by to jam & asked a drummer friend. I was looking at used kits on Marketplace, but his suggestion was a Roland TD-8 or 9. Although he said he also likes Alesis.
We bought a Yamaha DTK-400 set for our youngest. It sounds good enough to entertain yourself with, and cheap enough to not be a total waste if he loses interest. He's since lost interest and now it's in storage. My only real complaint with it is the existing clamps do not hold the snare tight enough. I probably would have added a screw to stop the round coupler from rotating if he was still into it.
10/18/21 8:31 p.m.
In reply to Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) :
I will look at the models you mentioned. I expect a call from SW in the morning...more as it evolves.
10/18/21 8:33 p.m.
In reply to SkinnyG (Forum Supporter) :
We had a Yamaha kit a while back. I'm sure they have good stuff, but my experience was similar to yours...the frame and clamps were super light and not pro. It was not anywhere near as inspiring as the Roland kit I borrowed.
I have an Alesis command kit. Mesh heads. Love it. I think it was around $600 or so on reverb, new. I'm not a drummer by any stretch, but for home practice and recording it does really well. The built in sounds are actually really good, and everything is adjustable, from positioning and head tension to all the tones and sounds. Drum sensitivity, pitch, volume (from one head to the next). Highly recommend. It took about an hour to build and set up and was ready to play immediately.
Looks like I got a deal, the same kit now is $899.
Red, with extra symbol.

The last drummer we played with had an electric set for quiet practicing. It sounded good but he spent an alarming amount on it.
He basically said that most the cheaper sets weren't really worth it but he was going for total perfection. It sounded good but he did have some problems with the Alesis set he had mixed in, lots of volume troubles.
He had a ginormous set, I think 21 pads
10/19/21 4:47 a.m.
In reply to barefootskater (Shaun) :
Awesome Shaun...thank you. I will throw this into the mix for sure. First hand positive experience is great. Appreciated!
10/19/21 4:49 a.m.
In reply to Antihero (Forum Supporter) :
I was surprised to see kits bumping $10k. I just didn't realize that was a thing, but if I was a real drummer and going for perfection, ....I get it.
jh36 said:
In reply to Antihero (Forum Supporter) :
I was surprised to see kits bumping $10k. I just didn't realize that was a thing, but if I was a real drummer and going for perfection, ....I get it.
I didn't ask a total number but I do know he had 8k into the first Roland set he put in the monster kit he had. I think it was a little less than half the kit.
I should mention though the Alesis kit he had in there was what he called "Costco grade". It was the cheapest they make
10/19/21 11:52 a.m.
Purchase has been made...
Roland TD 07D
Eon 12" speaker
DW kick pedal
All in stock, shipping today.
In reply to jh36 :
One thing to consider, and I'm not sure there's a good answer, is the high hat. The pedal on my kit is responsive, but doesn't have the resolution I'd like. It's not exactly on/off, but the space between is difficult to play in. If that makes sense.
*edit, too late I see. I've heard nothing but good on Roland kits. Should be awesome.
10/19/21 4:28 p.m.
In reply to barefootskater (Shaun) :
Hey thanks...I will report back. I know what you're saying though. The Roland kit I borrowed took a little getting used to, especially with the high hat pedal.
I am hoping for the best!