My g/f's mom's husband has one in what seems to be great shape (a 92 automatic with less than 100Kmi, it's got either the 3.6 or the 4.0 in it) he's willing to let go for about $2K.
The girlfriend is pretty stoked about it (even after saying " more cars until after you get the Alfa finished.."). I don't really need the damn thing, and I really don't have a place to put it right now. OTOH, m'lady enjoys driving, and might become an enthusiast if she spent some time in a chassis a little more advanced than her 92 Olds Bravada. I guess that "Car you want and can get, but shouldn't.." thread ain't quite so rhetorical anymore....
So, anybody got one? I Googled them, but as usual, only got the Wikipedia page, and another 34,985,720,345 hits for people trying to sell one.
I need our usual "what are they like to live with" stuff, I guess. 
Find out which engine it is first, the 4L is definite the better engine.
Check very carefully for rust, these things can rust almost as bad as the Series 1-3 XJs. Other than that, it's the usual - electrics going bonkers and all that fun. The engine should be pretty long lived if it's been looked after as they're more robust than the old XJ engine. Suspension is sophisitcatedcomplicated and wears. At least over here in the UK the parts aren't that expensive but it's supposedly a long job to overhaul the suspension.
It's definitely one of those cars that you buy on condition.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
The girlfriend is pretty stoked about it...m'lady enjoys driving...he's willing to let go for about $2K.
What exactly is the question?
foxtrapper wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
The girlfriend is pretty stoked about it...m'lady enjoys driving...he's willing to let go for about $2K.
What exactly is the question?
The question much money will this mistake I'm about to make cost to feed? 
Seriously, though..the thing's in pretty good shape. He got it from someone else in his family that gave him a steal on it. I remember being impressed by its condition when I first saw it, but I didn't really check it out at the time, since I wasn't thinking about buying it. I don't recall any obvious rust, and the paint's still very good. Don't know if it has the 3.6 or the 4ltr..but I guess I'll go find out!
It's really just one of those weird "life meets cars" things. I can't tell if the resident female really wants the thing (he's actually asking less for the Jag than he asked for the 92 Olds Bravada he sold her a few years ago), or if this is another insipid "test" I'm supposed to "pass" by turning down the deal. As much as she's curious about our scene, she sure got pissed when I brought the Alfa home..
friedgreencorrado wrote:
foxtrapper wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
The girlfriend is pretty stoked about it...m'lady enjoys driving...he's willing to let go for about $2K.
What exactly is the question?
The question much money will this mistake I'm about to make cost to feed?
Seriously, though..the thing's in pretty good shape. He got it from someone else in his family that gave him a steal on it. I remember being impressed by its condition when I first saw it, but I didn't really check it out at the time, since I wasn't thinking about buying it. I don't recall any obvious rust, and the paint's still very good. Don't know if it has the 3.6 or the 4ltr..but I guess I'll go find out!
It's really just one of those weird "life meets cars" things. I can't tell if the resident female really wants the thing (he's actually asking less for the Jag than he asked for the 92 Olds Bravada he sold her a few years ago), or if this is another insipid "test" I'm supposed to "pass" by turning down the deal. As much as she's curious about our scene, she sure got pissed when I brought the Alfa home..
Insipid. That's the key word. Do not stand for a woman "testing" you. Stand your ground. Buy all the European cars you want. If she special, the jag will make her swoon. If not, well, I guess she failed the GRM test...
friedgreencorrado wrote:
The question much money will this mistake I'm about to make cost to feed?
More than a Camry, I suspect.
Seriously though, from what I've read, that era wasn't bad at all.
If nothing else, it will be an interesting experience owning a Jag.
foxtrapper wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
The question much money will this mistake I'm about to make cost to feed?
More than a Camry, I suspect.
Seriously though, from what I've read, that era wasn't bad at all.
I do recall Car and Driver talking about how (now Sir) John Egan had really been cracking down on quality, and being amazed that the top ten problems at delivery didn't include anything requiring a tow truck ride.
foxtrapper wrote:
If nothing else, it will be an interesting experience owning a Jag.
Yeah, sometimes I think I should do it just to cross another marque off "the list". It's these stupid video games...hey, I've got 400 cars in virtual reality, why can't I do it in real life? 
why indeed, I'm trying get one of each