7/5/11 6:23 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
I guess I view it as this; I would not want this person to date my (hypothetical) daughter, due to my prejudices and beliefs. Being the relatively intolerant person I am, I'd probably kill him after 10 years.....
And finally, yes, I do define one's sexual inclinations by how they act, because 90+% of the time it's true, the other 9% of the time the dude should man the hell up, and the 1% of the time it's some artfag.
has now learned to nit talk with hitempguy. enough in that one post for me to get seriously uneasy,
7/5/11 6:25 p.m.
Karl La Follette wrote:
better to wear your beliefs in your heart not on your sleeves ,
Better to stand on convictions.
KATYB wrote:
now the other only around 5'5 very small and slight. and despite his athletic prowness always recieved flac for the fact of how feminine they acted. this person grew up got married and now at this point has changed thier gender..and still to this day is only atracted to woman. would you like to suggest that this person chose thier predicament? that they chose to be transgender?
Aren't you 5'5"? Your brother?
7/5/11 6:27 p.m.
Schmidlap wrote:
I'm kind of confused how this is even an issue. They've only known each other for a week or two and she's just left the continent for a year. Do you really think this is going to last more than another week or two? You're only prolonging it by asking to meet with him by making him think he's a bigger, more important part of her life than he really is. He'll email her (or skype her) for a bit, they'll run out of things to talk about because they're in very different spots in their lives and he'll be nothing but a funny memory in a few months. Stop contacting the guy and let this run it's natural, and very short life.
I hear you, and would generally agree.
That's not the way my daughter operates.
7/5/11 6:29 p.m.
KATYB wrote:
HiTempguy wrote:
I guess I view it as this; I would not want this person to date my (hypothetical) daughter, due to my prejudices and beliefs. Being the relatively intolerant person I am, I'd probably kill him after 10 years.....
And finally, yes, I do define one's sexual inclinations by how they act, because 90+% of the time it's true, the other 9% of the time the dude should man the hell up, and the 1% of the time it's some artfag.
has now learned to nit talk with hitempguy. enough in that one post for me to get seriously uneasy,
I appreciate the honesty from both HiTempguy AND KATYB.
Glad you checked in, KATYB.
7/5/11 6:30 p.m.
So.. how bout the weather... pretty crazy, any thoughts on how many hurricanes we are gonna get on the east coast?
yes bad attempt at soemwhat of a thread hi jack..or re direct.. seems to be gettin a lil testy.
7/5/11 6:39 p.m.
Ok, so I know some of you want to know how last night went.
There's a 6 foot patch of disturbed earth in the back of my yard in an undisclosed location. 
No, seriously...
We met and talked for several hours. Both of us were very open, honest, and direct. I guess the best I can say is that I gained a bit of respect for him, learned some about me, and also about my daughter.
He's a decent guy with a background that's fairly painful which probably contributed to his mannerisms. Now, he is who he is. He sticks to his convictions and acts honestly, even when it doesn't earn him many kudos with his peers. I respect that.
Granted, I still don't completely understand the choice of mannerisms, and probably never will. I told him so. But he wasn't afraid to be "grilled", and started a very open and honest relationship with me. Good start.
I won't be getting any pedicure with him any time soon, but am also not planning any midnight burial services.
Daughter is VERY homesick, so the next few days will tell a lot. I shared my concerns for her, and recruited his assistance in enabling her (and him) to succeed with the mission each of them has before them for now.
Bottom line- two grown men who each grew a little.
Some of you were a big help. In fact, I used some of your exact questions and perspectives. Thank you.
7/5/11 7:45 p.m.
manerisms and such do not tell you anything about a persons sexuality.... just so happens alot of the out and proud men who are gay happen to be the feminine ones. just like the stereotype that gay women are masculine. when you really start getting to know people it can be shocking who is gay and who isnt. meet some of the gay big brothers who do mentoring for youth in helping them deal with things and most of the time they are some of the most perfect examples of masculinity around.
SVreX wrote:
Granted, I still don't completely understand the choice of mannerisms, and probably never will. I told him so. But he wasn't afraid to be "grilled", and started a very open and honest relationship with me. Good start.
If it helps, my father in law doesn't understand most of my habits, mannerisms ect.
glad you two came to an agreement that benefits your daughter in her time of need
Big question is: did you tell him you frequent this board? 
7/5/11 8:41 p.m.
No, your secret is safe with me! 
SVreX wrote:
We met and talked for several hours. Both of us were very open, honest, and direct. I guess the best I can say is that I gained a bit of respect for him, learned some about me, and also about my daughter.

That is what I wanted to hear.
SVreX wrote:
Actually, I said I called THIS meeting. He asked to speak to me first at an earlier time.
Now that's an interesting twist. Apologies if you'd mentioned it before..I just missed it, if you did.
I read your post on the meeting, it seems to me to be an honest effort on his part. And your own, as well.
Please recall that not all of us who are with younger women are not predators. Not all of us have mental issues. Sometimes, it's just an "accident". I certainly wasn't looking for a younger woman when I stumbled across my girl..in fact, quite the opposite! I wanted someone who'd read the books I'd read, and listened to the music I loved. It just didn't work out that way.
Sounds like it's still a work in progress..especially since your daughter is so homesick, and that the whole thing might happen sooner, rather than later. Wishing you well, and we're here for you when you're ready to talk!
30 isn't really a good age for women: too old and burned too many times to be bright eyed bushy tailed bundles of enthusiasm living life to the fullest, and too young to be the self confident/self sufficient/no nonsense tell it like it is women who know what they really want. I was single at 30 and dated a few 30 year old women. I really wanted to tell them: That was every other guy you dated who treated you that way quit being mad at me for it, and, I just met you soooo, no, we are not getting married next week.
MrJoshua wrote:
30 isn't really a good age for women: too old and burned too many times to be bright eyed bushy tailed bundles of enthusiasm living life to the fullest, and too young to be the self confident/self sufficient/no nonsense tell it like it is women who know what they really want. I was single at 30 and dated a few 30 year old women. I really wanted to tell them: That was every other guy you dated who treated you that way quit being mad at me for it, and, I just met you soooo, no, we are not getting married next week.
I would have just said it.
I've done so with my fiancee.
GregW wrote:
Avoid the shooting part. The guy IS a Marine and they do know how to use firearms.
I have known Marines that crap with firearms and barely qualified. Then I have met others that were sniper qualified and I swear could hit anything they placed their sights on. Besides how else are you going to kill a Marine? A spoon?
Now then I am pleased to see that the discussion went well with him I have to say that from the description you have given I would have reservations about such a man pursuing my daughter (if I had one). It isn't even so much the metrosexual thing (though that would seriously get on my nerves) it would be the clingyness and the like.
Also on the age difference it is completely subjective. Heck my fiance is 21 and I am 31, we have been together as a couple for 2 years now and we had met a year prior to that and become friends because we both had an interest in photography and I was new to the area and looking for good spots to shoot. Her family and mine both accept our relationship and actually all agree that the age difference does not matter with us as we just seem to click so well. She is far from the immature girls that you normally would see at that age and she knows the value of hard work. Before asking her to marry me I did ask both her father and step father for permission out of respect for both of them. Both said they would be honored to have me in the family.
All I know is that I've gained respect for some of you guys and lost it for others.
SVreX wrote:
I appreciate the honesty from both HiTempguy AND KATYB.
Glad you checked in, KATYB.
Hey, that's how I roll. Hopefully I didn't give the impression that I HATE on anyone specifically, I hate all people equally. And one thing I really hate is limp wristed dudes with lisps, just as much as I hate stuck up bleach blonde bimbos.
Again, it's not what the person is, it's all about the actions.
KATYB, I'm mostly harmless. It's fine that you feel that you can't judge people by the way they look and act, but I "feel" you can. I'm sure you can come up with THOUSANDS of examples of people who'd be hard to peg down. But thousands are a minority, I can come up with hundreds of thousands that fit the bill. I can understand where you are coming from and why you may be sensitive to the topic, but for realz, nobody (including me) is out to get anyone. People are people, doesn't mean I have to be buddies with all of them, especially if they offend my sensibilities. 
And in this case, as stated, I'd be driven mad after 10 years of dealing with it. Not that it's SVreX's decision in the end anyways, but he still get's his opinion. 
7/6/11 1:08 a.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
And one thing I really hate is limp wristed dudes with lisps
I'm with you. Two of my best friends are gay, and even they can't stand the lisp (speech impediment is a different thing in this case).
In reply to SVreX:
Glad things went well. I expected they would, but its good to hear anyway.

Skateboarding is not a Crime !
7/6/11 5:51 p.m.
Metrosexual is so 2009.
Everyone knows that retrosexual is where it at now.