I have a zero turn Husqvarna and I want to add a bagger to it. As I understand it, you change the blades to some with a higher lift that are capable of blowing the clippings farther. Then you attach a collector to the mower deck so that the clippings are blown through the collector into a container of some sort which dumps easily. Sure I could buy a bagger from Husqvarna but I would be $1,000 lighter and it seems simple enough that I should be able to just buy the high lift blades and build the rest myself? Anyone done that?
I would love to see what you come up with. I would think that you might run into a lot of clogging issues. Husqvarna probably spent a truckload of money on R&D.
I kind of see this in the same way as home head porting without the prior knowledge of head porting. It might be great, or it could end up just making you $400 lighter and still not have a collection system instead of $1000 lighter WITH a collection system.
I haven't looked for them, but I know tractor implements are constantly sold and traded if you know where to look. I found a bagger for my 1976 Bolens on FBM for $150.
I grew up with side chutes and the mower was a bear when it got full. Then you had to empty it through the little hole.
Rear baggers was innovative like when they put wheels on luggage.

I'm going to try to build one in a few weeks. We don't have any grass growing yet, but in 3 weeks it will take all my waking hours and I'm pumped for a nice cheap grassroot solution. I think the Box will be pretty basic. Big rectangle that tilts and opens. The trick will be to get it from the mower deck to the box without clogging the shoot. Maybe I can buy that part and that way it will be molded plastic which would be much smoother than anything I can make in my shop. But the rest shouldn't cost more than a couple hundred dollars if that. Some square one inch tubing, couple hinges, and some quarter inch plywood.