So, 6 months ago, we purchased a home from the 1960s. 2200 sq. ft. ranch. We're in a hurricane zone, and it's very rainy and hot in Louisiana. We will be looking at replacing the roof in the next year or two, and we want to make good long-term choices with it.
Right now, the plusses are:
- Hip roof
- Ridge vents at the top
The minuses are:
- Generic shingles absorb lots of heat
- Insulation covering soffit vents
- No whirligigs or other ventilation improving devices
- Inadequate insulation
- Poor installation of rooftop electrical line entry thing
- retains humidity
- bathroom exhausts to attic
- Attic is cold in winter (not a biggie), and super hot in summer (biggie).
So, when we DO redo the roof...
- Are there roofing materials that reflect off lots of heat?
- Can you adjust the top layers to improve the attic situation, eg like this? (NOTE I'm brainstorming here. Please tell me where I'm being a knucklehead or impractical or dangerous)
- outer roofing material
- waterproof sealing layer
- plywood backing
- gap for airflow (soffit to ridge)
- inner sealing layer (keep main attic area sealed off/insulated from roof venting system)
- plywood with foam to seal air gaps
- foam insulating board
- normal attic space
- plywood decking on "floor" of attic
- normal insulation between decking and ceiling of living space
- Change heating/bathroom vents to go directly out of the house
- Anything else? Resources?
TLDR -> Tell me how to re-roof my house so that I can have a more comfortable home with lower electricity bills and don't have to worry about the roof for 30+ years (unless a hurricane rips it off).