4/19/19 9:47 a.m.
Going remote for a week in June. One of the stipulations from my wife was that I get a satellite phone so I can text her once or twice a day.
Looking around, it is hard to figure out what exactly I need, what I can go used with, and how much it will cost. So does anyone have experience with these?
My requirements:
- Send and receive about 2-4 texts a day, reliably, from Quetico Provincial Park in Canada
- Be as inexpensive as possible
- Last for at least 7 days on a charge
I don't care if I go used on this, I don't care if "inexpensive as possible" means buying something for $500 and selling it for $400 when I get back. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
Based off a quick google search you can rent satellite wifi hotspots for 60 a week plus airtime etc., then you could just use your phone on the wifi hotspot with a messaging app to communicate, and possibly make calls if you have wifi calling capability.
My phone worked 2 years ago when I was in the boundary waters (US side). I just kept it in a waterproof bag (3 ziplocs for the budget minded) and kept it off most of the time. If you can't get signal go out into the middle of a lake or something.
Also, my phone continues to work when I go to Canada. You might be just fine.
Text capabilities, not calls. Also epirb for SOS situations
4/19/19 10:29 a.m.
This could (potentially) go badly.
If her expectation is that you text daily, what if a glitch happens? If you are in a remote area and send a message (assuming it arrives), what happens if she doesn’t get it (for whatever reason)?
Seems like it could potentially cause more fear than accepting that you will be out of reach for a few days.
Ask her how she would feel about that. And also ask her what she would do (or could do) if you had to send a message that you needed help.
After a recent incident, I called my wife AFTER emergency responded eta had done their job. Calling her when I needed help would have only caused stress and fear.
My 15 year old daughter is traveling in Europe right now. I don’t like the idea that her phone doesn’t work, but I trust in her leadership to handle anything that could come up. If I didn’t, she wouldn’t go. I have accepted that I won’t hear from her for 15 days
I go to the mountains once a month for a few days. My wife knows she can’t reach me.
I admire you trying to meet your wife’s wishes, but she may need to be careful about what she asks for.
4/19/19 10:55 a.m.
SvRex, I've made it abundantly clear that the phones are glitchy and told her to expect one text a day in the morning. 2 is my hope though. Last time, I didn't have one, but our situation has changed dramatically since then. And tbh, I would NOT be calling/texting her if there was an emergency until after we were back to civilization.
Realistically, it isn't that likley that we would ever have an emergency situation. 3 of the folks in the group I'm going with have done this at least 5 times. 2 of us have done it once before. 2 of the group are doctors (veterinarians). All of us competent swimmers, etc. This is just for me to text her once a day so she knows I'm alive.
The Garmin In Reach is supposed to be outstanding. Two way texting without the plan cost of a sat phone.
My son uses one when he goes hiking to keep in touch of the world and make his wife less unhappy.
I still have a old Spot. It will send a OK message or two different levels of emergency messages. That's good enough for me because I go off grid so I won't have to interact with people.
In reply to Toyman01 :
My outfitter, for my Boundary waters trip, only rents those. He says they are more reliable than sat phones and cheaper.
OER will rent them (no endorsement)
SPOT also rents their units
4/19/19 12:21 p.m.
Hmmm... Looks like buying a used inReach will be the winner here.
4/19/19 12:34 p.m.
In reply to mtn :
You are right. My apologies for overstepping
4/19/19 12:51 p.m.
SVreX said:
In reply to mtn :
You are right. My apologies for overstepping
You didn't overstep at all--We had had this same discussion last time, and we agreed it wasn't necessary. Our situation is hopefully extremely unique. This is for her peace of mind, and at this point in our lives her peace of mind is worth a lot more than it ever was.
mtn said:
Hmmm... Looks like buying a used inReach will be the winner here.
If you own your own inReach what is the monthly cost , or is it only when you use it ?
And do they work worldwide ?
Like on a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean ?
4/19/19 1:05 p.m.
californiamilleghia said:
mtn said:
Hmmm... Looks like buying a used inReach will be the winner here.
If you own your own inReach what is the monthly cost , or is it only when you use it ?
And do they work worldwide ?
Like on a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean ?
According to their site, they have multiple options as to monthly cost. Annual contracts have a $20 activation fee and range from $12 to $80 a month, plus taxes.
Their "freedom" plan has a $25 annual fee, and monthly options of $15 to $100 a month, plus taxes. This is a start and stop as you go, but you have to remember to suspend service on your own.
They say it is global coverage. Who knows if that is true or not...
Google the key phrase "iridium satellite phone" if you want real phone
I have the InReach with their month to month plan. About $16 per month for unlimited preprogrammed texts like "I'm not dead," "will be late but not dead" and "send help but just my friends because I don't want to be on the news." At least that's what I set mine up as. Can also text for a pretty cheap rate per message. Has the SOS button if things go really wrong. Unit has been most useful to me as a GPS which I didn't have before.
My wife got it for me after my friends almost launched a rescue mission for me while winter camping. I was fine, knew what the weather was going to be and was well supplied. They watched too much of the news with our governor telling no one to go outside because it was cold.
4/19/19 2:17 p.m.
I have an InReach, it works great. Cna be tracked also by your wife which can be nice.
Word of caution on used ones, IF there is an unpaid balance on the old account its NOT POSSIBLE to reactive on a new account. Cant even pay off the old one. I bought new because there is no way to verify.
4/19/19 2:21 p.m.
John Welsh said:
Google the key phrase "iridium satellite phone" if you want real phone
Wow, this looks like it may be better than the inReach for me. I like the idea of just buying a card with minutes.
Note to anyone doing said google search, careful not to puke when you see the prices. Then go look at the used options.
4/19/19 2:33 p.m.
And a further google search has revealed that Verizon rents these phones for $70 a week. $70-$140 is the easy button here.
In reply to mtn :
Earlier today when I wrote "Spot" from my phone, I was drawing a blank on the phone company name and later in the day remembered Iridium (IR).
It has been many years since I've had any intel on IR. A decade ago they used to be known as $3k handset and $3 per minute. I suspect that has decreased. I did know that IR had some presence through VZ. Maybe ATT too.
Some other background. This is paraphrased and based on my decade+ old memories. Maybe not perfectly exact but near... The company is named IR because IR is the 77th element in the periodic table and there was supposed to be 77 satellites. However, thy only got 66 satellites launched before money issues. As such, it can take up to 7 minutes to initiate a call. This is based on the need for your handheld antenna's to see the sky. If there is significant, urban tall buildings or significant tall trees or mountains it is harder for the antenna to see the satellite if it may be on the horizon at that time, hence the wait time to initiate the call. Due to the need to see the sky that is why when you see reporters using these from war torn areas they are hanging out the hotel window so as to keep the antenna out the window. Just know you will be happiest using these devices outdoors. Don't think that you will use the device to call your wife from bed every night.
4/19/19 3:02 p.m.
John Welsh said:
In reply to mtn :
Earlier today when I wrote "Spot" from my phone, I was drawing a blank on the phone company name and later in the day remembered Iridium (IR).
It has been many years since I've had any intel on IR. A decade ago they used to be known as $3k handset and $3 per minute. I suspect that has decreased. I did know that IR had some presence through VZ. Maybe ATT too.
Some other background. This is paraphrased and based on my decade+ old memories. Maybe not perfectly exact but near... The company is named IR because IR is the 77th element in the periodic table and there was supposed to be 77 satellites. However, thy only got 66 satellites launched before money issues. As such, it can take up to 7 minutes to initiate a call. This is based on the need for your handheld antenna's to see the sky. If there is significant, urban tall buildings or significant tall trees or mountains it is harder for the antenna to see the satellite if it may be on the horizon at that time, hence the wait time to initiate the call. Due to the need to see the sky that is why when you see reporters using these from war torn areas they are hanging out the hotel window so as to keep the antenna out the window.
Well, seeing the sky is pretty easy. Worst case scenario, I'd have to wade about 3 feet from the shore.