2/6/14 7:07 p.m.
the dude seems ok,i know him from another board, meeting me halfway in another state, what kind of check do i need to ask for? i am thinking i will say we have to meet at a branch of my bank.....i know you are thinking get cash...but we are talking about 23 LARGE.....
A money order from his bank
Does he have a bank that has a branch near where you will meet?
Give a call to your bank too, they probably know the best way to deal with this
Meet at a bank he's banking with and watch them create a cashiers check. Not one of those "here's one we created earlier".
I'm with fritzsch. A money order would be a good safe option. If you trust him enough, just have him bring it to you. Understandable to want to see the bank print it up, though.
2/6/14 8:04 p.m.
he has offered to bring cash.......23k....
I wouldn't feel comfortable accepting 23K cash. I would much prefer bank things at that amount, but if you feel good, go for it
I paid cash for a Porsche, met the guy in a restaurant, handed him an envelope full of money and he never even opened it. He said that counting money in public was crude.
I also bought a Subaru that was missing it's engine. That car was $1800 and the guy held every $100 bill up to the light to make sure that they were real.
take the cash. don't unload it until you have $ in hand and/or locked in your truck. take a buddy. have buddy document things from afar while you talk to the guy without looking like he's doing it - license plate number, description of guy, etc in case things go south. have camera phone at ready?