I have a furnace in my detached garage. Its cold outside.
I dont wanna run outside, then run back inside and go back and forth..... I just want to be sitting inside my house, pull up an app and turn the heat on in the garage.
Ive been looking and I am VERY confused.
I do have wifi in the garage (on a range extender).
I do NOT have any type of smart home device. <-- this seems to be where I am running into issues....
I would also prefer to keep it under $150.00
Rob R.
you shouldn't need a smarthome device. I'd imagine any "wifi" thermostat will work fine. you don't want one of the fancy learning ones either since it's a atypical usage scenario.
Quick Googles of "wifi thermostat" shows big box like Home Depot has a Honeywell thermostat starting around $70 that's wifi capable.
11/30/18 1:06 p.m.
Get an Alexa with a smart recepticle/plug. Wire in 120v relay in the thermostat's conductors and power the relay by the smart plug.
"Alexa, turn on the furnace".
Or that Honeywell t-stat from above. That's the cheapest I've seen for a WiFi t-stat.