I know about the hurricanes. It looks like the population has doubled since I last spend time down there. Housing looks to be a bargain compared to up here. I see that there's healthy brewery and coffee roasting scenes. Autocross is available locally, rally-x within 4ish hours.
MrChaos said:
Smells like cat pee.
Isn't that Tybee Island near Savannah? Oh wait, Tybee is where the "potable" water smells like rotten eggs... Is Wilmington that smelly?
3/18/18 11:51 a.m.
I live about 40 miles from Wilmington, between Wilmington and Myrtle Beach. I like the area quite a bit. Been here about 5 years and moved here by choice. I don't spend too much time in Wilmington itself. Maybe a handful a days a month we go there either for the airport, or for shopping and/or eating or some errand or another.
It is still a fairly small place. The movie industry mostly left a couple years ago when they lost their sweet tax breaks for filming here. UNCW is in town so there are enough young people to support decent brewpubs and restaurants.
The water supply was poisoned by DuPont for years and they are now trying to clean that mess up. This is the second place I've lived where DuPont has intentionally poisoned the water supply. (Look up C8 and Washington Works, and then look up Gen X in the Cape Fear river if you want to read about it.)
I haven't attended any of the local Auto-Xs, but yes, they do exist.
3/18/18 12:38 p.m.
My brothers in laws are in Wilmington, his wife grew up there. They all love it. I enjoyed our time there for the wedding; I think the only thing keeping my brother away from it is the lack of jobs. Not that it has a struggling economy, just that it isn't Raleigh or Chicago or Minneapolis (the three place he's lived)
It's high on my list of places of "if I didn't have familial obligations keeping me in Chicago, where would I live?"
I think there's a big-ass battleship there. Yup. USS North Carolina. That's about all I know. Passed through on the way home from Myrtle Beach.
I spent most of a year in Wilmington, but that was 30 years ago...there's a big GE production facility there that makes components for nuclear power plants, the company I worked for at the time built some production equipment for them.
I remember it as a pretty decent place to be, although it is hot in the summer. There are some good barbeque joints. The USS North Carolina is pretty cool.
There's a place named Monkey Junction there, too.
Flaming amys burrito barn was good. 15 years ago.
Its about 4 hours from me. So, at least a semi local grm presence!
3/19/18 11:31 a.m.
Flaming Amy's is still pretty good and they have expanded to more locations.
Monkey Junction cracks me up.
I like downtown wilmington.
The rallyx region closest is very small and uh.... lets just say it is the polar opposite of WDCR. VIR is fun though.