When I owned my practice, I made it clear to everyone there, "We fire drama."
It's really hard for me, just like many of us here reading this, not to describe our own interactions with our families.
As was said earlier, this isn't about me, but I'll give a brief description of my situation so that I can relate how I came out the other side.
I hope that can help you to know how common this sort of situation is. You're not alone.
My alcoholic/drug-using brother ran my dad into bankruptcy and turned my dad against me.
I had bailed my dad out more than once, at one point even borrowing $40,000 so that he could fix his house up and sell it. The plan we had agreed to was that he would pay me back from the proceeds from the house. He was going to sell the house in order to separate from my brother.
After the work was done, my brother and dad just moved back in again, and I was left paying the loan.
Fortunately, I was able to transfer the remaining portion of the loan to a reverse mortgage and get it paid off.
I continued to try to help my dad, but finally received a demand letter from a lawyer accusing me of stealing the $40,000 that I had borrowed, every penny of which had gone into his house.
Being accused of stealing was the most painful thing I had ever experienced.
I shut them off. No contact whatsoever. It was hard but it was the best choice of the bad options available.
It took me at least a year to resolve my feelings and realize that I was better off.
Then, when my brothers paranoia and my dad's dementia got bad enough, I got a phone call from the state that I needed to come get my dad out of the house.
I could have said no at that point, and I don't think anyone that knew the situation would have blamed me.
I got my dad into a couple of assisted living facilities for the last 2 years of his life. By then I had no real feelings for him anymore, but I did it because I felt that it was the right thing to do.
My dad's been dead for a year, and he's been out of that house for three years. The bank never followed up on the reverse mortgage, so my brother's just squatting in the house. No plumbing (I had two septic tanks replaced, he parked cars on both of them), no water, no electricity.
We have no contact. That's never going to change.
My wife and I had our 25th wedding anniversary this year. We've never had a fight.
Fire drama.