I mean an absolute TSUNAMI of spam. Free offers and big dick medications galore.
Other than Googling "free offers" how would you do it?
I mean an absolute TSUNAMI of spam. Free offers and big dick medications galore.
Other than Googling "free offers" how would you do it?
Make sure to publish the person's email in an easy to read/access forum, so that crawlers might get a look see at it. Add said email to anything you can think of to sign up for. Of course, don't to this because that's not nice.
If you want them to get piles of solicitor calls, yes. Another fun one is the "prizes" at the mall, register to win free windows and crap. Those lists are GOLD MINES for spammers.
And don't forget those stupid online petitions about everything from bullying to GMOs. That's all they exist for, mining info.
DaveEstey wrote: Create a really desirable craigslist listing with their email in the text.
Like this one!
Or create one of these from public wifi if you really hate them.
gamby wrote:DoctorBlade wrote:Spampersand???All I've got.
that's what George Takei called it in a facebook post yesterday..
You'll need to log in to post.