I've listened to "Doom and Gloom" a few times now -- and I must say I'm most impressed with it. Lots of energy, and it feels, to me, like a Stones song.
I suspect there will be lots of "they're so old" comments, but given they've made a career out of incorporating Blues music, and that (in my opinion) Blues artists only get better with age I for one will look forward to many more years of Keith, Mick, Charlie, and Ronnie . . .
I saw the Stones in 1978 at Soldier Field in Chicago (General Admission Seating) and if you would have told me these guys would still be cranking out good music 35 years later - I would never have believed it.
one of my favorites.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nULwgHsVqw
Grandpa Mick still on stage? 
11/23/12 10:35 a.m.
ZOO wrote:
but given they've made a career out of incorporating Blues music, and that (in my opinion) Blues artists only get better with age I for one will look forward to many more years of Keith, Mick, Charlie, and Ronnie . . .
Speaking of which, I love this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mbao_laqF8E&feature=relmfu
^^the Stones join Muddy Waters on stage, 1981.
I didn't much like the new song.
11/23/12 12:14 p.m.
ZOO wrote:
I've listened to "Doom and Gloom" a few times now -- and I must say I'm most impressed with it. Lots of energy, and it feels, to me, like a Stones song.
I suspect there will be lots of "they're so old" comments, but given they've made a career out of incorporating Blues music, and that (in my opinion) Blues artists only get better with age I for one will look forward to many more years of Keith, Mick, Charlie, and Ronnie . . .
Rock n' Roll is just heavy blues.
I have worked for them.. one of the first gigs I did as a "professional" stage hand back in 89.. almost got killed on that show too
That was probably telling me something
I think I'm the only one I know who prefers their 1970s stuff. I do like "Beggars' Banquet" and "Let it Bleed", but to me the "Black and Blue" was the last full album I'd listen to all the way through. And I have to admit..in these iPod days, I only listen to about half of that one. After "Some Girls", I look for singles instead of albums. I think "Gloom and Doom" is OK, but I'm not buying what they're selling for just one track.
Long story short: IMO, after the 60s were over, the Stones are just a great dance band when they choose to be.
Et Cetera...
Well, they are the best british rock band whose name come from Muddy Waters lyrics. That, and that Mick and Keith have been able to stay together for 50 years, cycling through other band members.
Other wise they are a bunch of followers, never innovative or cutting edge. British invasion was big, they used the same formula. Psychedelic got big, they went psychedelic. Later on, they went disco, followed by whatever you want to call what they did in the 80's.
11/24/12 12:26 a.m.
"Doom and Gloom" is pure Stones, for all that's worth. Noomi Rapace makes the official video "interesting".
NSFW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DWiB7ZuLvI&feature=player_embedded
I always found it funny that Mick is one of the few people to get better looking with age
11/24/12 9:46 a.m.
God, that's not saying much.
Read Keith Richards' biography if you get the time. Brilliant, and pulls no punches.
11/24/12 11:20 a.m.
Yeah, that was a highly entertaining read. Read it back-to-back with Slash's book, came away thinking that guitarists are a lot cooler than vocalists.
I think they suck. Just sayin.
Haven't bought a Stones album since "Tattoo You" - and never really played it, or any of their albums after "Let It Bleed" (or, as I think of it, "The Beginning of the End"). Sad to watch them turn into organ-grinder monkeys. Sadder still to think they've done 30 years like that.
11/24/12 12:23 p.m.
Agreed. Tattoo You didn't do it for me. Lost interest after that.
Again- let me suggest reading the Richards bio- lot of light shed on what they are, where they've gone, and what they've become. I don't quite look at them as monkeys now, but it really helps you understand why the Exile, Beggars, Some Girls, and Sticky Fingers are so good. I've gone so far as to call them the most underrated band in history. I understand the irony of that statement.
I'm reasonably sure the original band has retired and has been replaced by a cover band to make music and Disney Animitronics for the stage shows.
oldopelguy wrote:
I'm reasonably sure the original band has retired and has been replaced by a cover band to make music and Disney Animitronics for the stage shows.
Nah, Keith already embalmed himself.. he's just one of those cool zombies that wants jams instead of brains