Billy's a regular on my site. Helluva cool dude. I want a Jet myself.
So, a couple years back, I bought an Epiphone Goth Thunderbird at an antique/junk shop. I took a chance on it at $100 because I loved the looks of it. Problem was, it played like total crap, because the action was all out of whack and the A-string hit the first fret for no reason. Well, I finally sorted it out tonight!
After reading some setup articles on the interwebs, I tried tightening the truss rod. That made it worse. Adjusting the the bridge didn't help, either. So, I loosened the truss rod, and that did it! After, I lowered the bridge all the way down and now it plays unbelievable. I just laid down some serious 80's Metal goodness with that thing, and it growls. Oh baby!!!
My reverb for anyone interested, willing to make SCREAMING deals before this weekend, especially to those here:
Also have a Marshall 2x12 and a Hiwatt 4x12 that need to go.
In reply to Paul_VR6:
I like that Epi Les Paul a lot... I don't really need another guitar but I might go home and count my guitar-buying pennies.
Its a nice guitar for what it is. I was playing all the sub 1k LPs and this was the best playing and sounding by far within 100mi of my house (bought in NJ).
Lancer007 wrote: Can you post or email more info on the Marshall 2x12?
2x12 is a Marshall 1922 circa 97/98 era. Used it when I was in an apartment instead of lugging the 4x12 back and forth to practice $200 and its yours.
In reply to Paul_VR6:
Hmm... I'm interested in the 1922 as well if Lancer doesn't get it. I recently bought a Randall 2x12, but another one wouldn't hurt.
At that price I would be interested but the shipping would probably be too much to justify.
If you and I am F can work a deal that's fine. Otherwise if you're ever in West Virginia or if I'm ever in your neck of the woods in the near future we can meet up and deal.
Yeah I would say that shipping probably makes it not worth it. They seem to go for 200-300 all day and shipping would put you at the top of that.
Ian shoot me an email if you want to check it out kandpperformance at gmail dot com
Also if someone wants ALL of it a few grand is all it takes. I am feeling REALLY lazy and am sick of all the "want to trade..." emails from Craigslist.
Paul_VR6 wrote: Its a nice guitar for what it is. I was playing all the sub 1k LPs and this was the best playing and sounding by far within 100mi of my house (bought in NJ).
Any chance you can comment on how the pickups compare to the ones they use in the standard Epiphone Les Paul? I'm not a fan of the cheapo ones in the basic Epiphone guitars but my roommate has an Epiphone Les Paul Pro and I like how that sounds a lot.
Not sure how it compares to a Epi LP Pro, I can't say I played one. The pickups on this one seemed a little warmer than the Epiphone LP Standard and way better than either LP Studios.
I got my headphones in the mail yesterday!
They are AKG K52's, and they sound pretty darn good for a set of $30 headphones. I plugged them into my Line 6 Pocket Pod and played along last night until my fingers hurt. The biggest thing is that they can handle all of the sound coming out of my bass or guitar and my phone's MP3 player, and I can clearly hear all of it. Before, the signal of the instrument got lost in the mix. My Thunderbird I've been messing with sounds killer through these. They also sound good on their own just listening to stuff.
Giving these guys 5/5 Miatas (the official GRM rating system). Highly recommended, especially for the money.
Thanks, Type Q. I do love how the P-bass is so timeless. Plus it really plays like butter. A friend plays a '78. Eventually I'd like one like his, but that's a real purchase. One day.
In reply to Paul_VR6:
Sounds about right. I might be buying a car this week but if that doesn't work out a guitar purchase will have to do and you might hear from me.
In reply to Paul_VR6:
Well, there's an old BMW in the driveway that wasn't there a day ago. No new guitars for me.
Boo! But good for you! Sold the Gibson, went for a bit less than I wanted but money talks. Still have the rest.
I built a pedal board. I got tired of stuff just laying on thr floor so I spent $25 at Home Depot and came out with this. Now I just need an overdrive/distortion pedal and I should be good for a bit.
Lancer007 wrote: Now I just need an overdrive/distortion pedal and I should be good for a bit.
Anything specific in mind? I've got a good Boss Super Overdrive (SD-1) that I never use for anything. $ ~20 plus shipping if anyone on here wants it.
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