I bought the tuners on Amazon. They are cheapo Chinese ones (only like $15!), but they got decent reviews and seem to be made well. I could return them, but they were so cheap and that would be more of a hassle than it's worth.
I don't have a drill press, otherwise I'd consider drilling it out. Also, this gives me an excuse to now build a parts P-Bass at some point, so I'm cool with that.
A drill press isn't even the best way to enlarge tuner holes. A hand reamer is

They can be had as cheap as $15 on reverb
Got the strat working! Turns out I fried one of the potentiometers... Once I replaced that it works great! I am really happy with how the vinyl wrap turned out too, though there are definitely some edges I could have done better. I also broke a string in the process, but new strings are on the way.

That Strat looks fantastic! Makes me reconsider wanting a HSS model.
Thanks guys! Redoing it to fit my tastes has definitely been fun and makes the guitar even more "mine". :)
Hey guys, since I got my strat working I no longer have any need for this one. It's not much, nothing fancy, but it works. Asking $75. Comes with strap and already installed Dunlop straplocks. I can also throw in a fresh set of strings installed.

In reply to AWSX1686:
I can't see your pics anymore. Let me guess, hosting them on Google? Had the same problem myself.
In reply to SilverFleet:
Yeah, hosting on google... I can still see them...
I guess I'll switch it up a bit.
That's better! I had the same problem a few months ago. Not sure what the deal is, but the GRM site doesn't like Google Photos as a host.
Huh, that's odd. Whatever works I guess.
I got one of these yesterday. This is me happy.

My son has a 1994 Made in Mexico Fender Strat. The volume pot on it is scratchy. Anybody know what the spec is on it? Where to find info? Where to buy? How hard to DIY? I'm reluctant to take it back to the guitar store, since I just took it to them a few months ago for new strings and a check-up. I couldn't see where they did anything but put new strings on it. Pot was scratchy before they looked at it, and scratchy after, and I specifically mentioned that problem.
In reply to 1988RedT2:
Remove the screws holding the pick guard on, flip it over and squirt some aerosol contact cleaner into the pot while working it back and forth. If that doesn't do the trick a new 250k audio taper potentiometer and 2 minutes with a soldering iron would fix it for 10 bucks or so.
In reply to Jumper K. Balls:
DeOxIt is the good contact cleaner. That's the one you want to use.
In reply to Jumper K. Balls:
Is it a split shaft pot? Do the knobs just slide off? I've pulled on it with my fingers and it doesn't move. No set screw. I didn't want to resort to prying it off with a screwdriver until I was sure it just slid on.
Thanks for confirming the 250k. That's the conclusion I came to after poking around the Fender website.
Ian F
4/30/16 9:08 a.m.
Just bought a Warmoth tele body off FB/eBay for $265 (shipped). Chambered body, Strat contours, nice blue paint. Brand new, never assembled. I've been pondering a similar body from Warmoth for some time now and this one is about 1/2 price. I'll try to post pictures when I get it. Then the slow (for me) process of ordering parts and building it. Hopefully, the Tele bridge I already have will work.
4/30/16 10:29 a.m.
In reply to 1988RedT2:
If theres no set screw it should just be a friction fit. Even if it scratchy it should still be measurable with a multimeter. You will probably have to desolder it first to get a good reading, but try it insitu and see it 250k makes sense.
I played years ago but for some reason life got in the way and over time my gear all moved on to new homes. I stumbled on this thread a while back and now I keep comming bad to look at the cool pix and dream a bit. Then I stumbled on this.
I have always wanted one of these. I am trying to be strong but I may have to go look at it. Just to look a swear. 
This thread is bad for me.
Dean, that's one of the lower-line JMs. IIRC, they retail for ~500-ish new but don't hold me to that.
I'd be sorely tempted
Got a new one in the collection. My uncle gave me his 12-string acoustic, which was given to him by his father (my grandfather). So it's got some neat family history since I never met my grandfather on that side. Currently it is siting in our summer kitchen until some of the smoke smell from my uncle's house dies down. It needs some TLC, but the little bit I've looked at it so far it seems to be in decent condition. He has is strung as a 6-string, and the pegs that hold the other 6 strings are gone, so I know I'll need to get new pegs and strings at the very least. It is a Harptone 12-string acoustic. I've never heard of the brand, but I'm going to do some research and check them out, I know it is a very old guitar at the very least.
I will also get some pictures so you guys can see... :)