It's pretty much a commercial for their products but is a good primer on reseating. I usually clamp the fret in place and wick in thin CA from the end (if there is no binding and the slot is accessible)
I get my CA from Woodcraft locally. An aerosol can of activator is handy to have too.
Excellent, thank you. There is experimentation ahead.
9/18/17 3:06 p.m.
One of my guitar techs (meaning, one of the guys that I go to for guitar repairs) usually has the first step of "humidify the E36 M3 out of it for a week" for almost any repair. By that he means that he takes it and puts it in a giant garbage bag with a wrung out sponge in it. He replaces the sponge every day; usually the whole setup is hanging up.
He doesn't do that with all guitars or all repairs--he doesn't do it with most of ours, because we have our house humidified specifically for the guitars, but he does it for a lot of them.
Another benefit of living in the the PNW. No need to humidify guitars and no salt on the roads here.
When I was studying music in university, we had over 100 pianos in all the practice rooms. As soon as they turned on the heat for the winter, they'd all go out of tune and the tuning staff wouldn't get any rest. Then they'd turn the heat off again in the spring and...well...
The Framus is currently in a thick gig bag with a wet sponge. I'll check it tonight and keep that sponge wet. It's been sitting in a different room than my other guitars, but I know from playing with some datalogging instrumentation (as you do) that it's been seeing well over 50% humidity of late. In a week or so, I'll try reseating a fret or two and see what happens. I'm going to have to pull the neck to do some of them, but I want to take a look at it anyhow. It looks like it's a bolt-on based on a plate on the back.
All suggestions and helpful hints are welcome and appreciated - thanks for the tips so far, guys.
Not mine, but where I spend my weekend...

I guess I made it this far tonight:

Five glowing tubes and no drama.

Interestingly it made absolutely zero noise from the speaker. I expected a hum or a buzz or screaming, but nothing. Maybe because there was no input plugged in? All the jacks shunt to ground with no plug in them. I hope that's what's going on...
Depending on the settings, my newly built tube amp is almost silent. Quite a difference from my little Peavey. Fingers crossed!
Changed things out a bit. The SVT-CL was cool, but since it rarely leaves the house ti was way overkill. So it moved out, and it's little (but older) brother moved in, and brought some cash with him.
Here's my "new" '72ish Ampeg V4. Sounds killer.

Sitting on the 8x10.

Picked up the guitar today, and the whole setup makes noise.
Only I think the output jack needs some work- applying the slightest pressure on the plugged in cord lets loose a noise that would make Zeus cringe. It didn't do that when I played it in the store. I might take it back in tomorrow to see if they will fix it.
Nice! I love how that amp looks.
I can finally contribute to this thread!
It has been about 9 years since I sold my last electric guitar after playing guitar and bass in some bands through high school and early college. For a few months I have been thinking about getting back into it and with my birthday last week I decided to buy myself a present.
I went to a few music stores today looking for a semi hollow guitar. I settled on this Ibanez AFS75T at Sam Ash after playing some Ibanez, Epiphones and entry level Gretsch. They were having a sale on used gear so I got the guitar with hard case for $300. Just got home and it's time to drag the old Marshall amp out of the closet and give it a try.

Oh yeah- nice purchase!
I'll be curious to hear how you like the guitar. Those seem to be very well liked.
In reply to paranoid_android74 :
I've been playing around with it for an hour or so and I really like it. I am very out of practice but it sounds great clean and with distortion. I'll check back after I remember how to play and learn some more.
10/14/17 5:48 p.m.
RossD said:
Univox Clear Bass
One of you crazies will probably geek on this!

I saw a street performer in SF with one of these just recently, they are really kinda cool looking.
10/14/17 5:57 p.m.
Tony Sestito said:
I think I cursed myself from talking about it; the guy flaked on me. It's been for sale for almost a month, and the guy still has it. I don't get it... when you are selling something, wouldn't you want to, well, SELL IT? 
I'll pick one up someday. Might not be this one, but I'll get my P-Bass.
If you are still looking for a p bass, I bought one on ebay recently that turned out to be beyond what I can fix and I want to get rid of it. It's a Kaman GTX 51, and it seems to work except the silly headstock design makes it pop the nut halfway off the side of the neck when you try to tune it, so it either needs a new neck or some creativity to play. There is a black one listed on reverb that has sold that looks just like it (except mine is teal) , I haven't figured out how to post links from my phone with the new forum software though.
10/14/17 5:58 p.m.
Gtx 51 p bass
Notice the one in this link has the same problem with the nut that mine does.
In reply to Tk8398 :
The nut just needs a little drop of superglue to hold it into place, but not so much that you can't remove it later.
10/14/17 9:29 p.m.
Pete Gossett said:
In reply to Tk8398 :
The nut just needs a little drop of superglue to hold it into place, but not so much that you can't remove it later.
I had seen titebond wood glue suggested elsewhere so I used that but it just popped loose when I tightened the strings. It's really a horrible design compared to a real p bass. I just wanted to try learning how to play one and this one was cheap, they seem a lot more expensive than guitars.
In reply to Tk8398 :
Wood glue definitely won't hold a nylon nut. Just use a drop of superglue near each end of the nut/slot and use some rubber bands or a small clamp to apply light pressure until it sets.
I mentioned to a friend at work who plays guitar that I recently bought an electric and picked up playing again. I also mentioned it would be cool to have another bass. He said that his friend had given him a bass and he had too many guitars and no space or need for it so I could have it. He brought it into work today so I went to the store and got some strings for it.
Unfortunately I broke the E string installing it so it only has 3 strings at the moment but it plays pretty well. I need to get a bass amp and another string this weekend.
It's a Univox Badazz, and way cooler than what I was expecting for free. He hadn't even opened the bag so he said it was just an old made in Japan bass.

10/20/17 9:16 p.m.
I thought I would share a buddy of mines one man operation where he makes drums in his garage. The link is to a facebook page, hopefully it works since I am on my phone...
His photos are fascintating to me.
Tk8398 said:
Tony Sestito said:
I think I cursed myself from talking about it; the guy flaked on me. It's been for sale for almost a month, and the guy still has it. I don't get it... when you are selling something, wouldn't you want to, well, SELL IT? 
I'll pick one up someday. Might not be this one, but I'll get my P-Bass.
If you are still looking for a p bass, I bought one on ebay recently that turned out to be beyond what I can fix and I want to get rid of it. It's a Kaman GTX 51, and it seems to work except the silly headstock design makes it pop the nut halfway off the side of the neck when you try to tune it, so it either needs a new neck or some creativity to play. There is a black one listed on reverb that has sold that looks just like it (except mine is teal) , I haven't figured out how to post links from my phone with the new forum software though.
Thanks for the offer, but I think I'm going to hold out and find a Fender if I do get a P-Bass.
Actually, this reminds me, I need to line up some winter projects. First on the list is my green Ibanez SR400 bass.

Earlier this year, one of the tuners broke internally, so I ordered a new set of tuners to toss on. It could definitely use a twice-over with it's electronics and a setup while I'm there.
After that, I need to work on my Jackson Performer PS4.

This one is actually my first guitar, and it needs some help. The pickups are loose in the cavity, the tuners are shot, and it could use a setup as well. I've been dreading this, because I hate working on guitars with Floyd Rose tremolos. When it's all set up nice, it absolutely shreds!