Once again, the Guitar Center by Orange Connecticut got me. I picked up a "Luthier's Special" Gretsch Jim Dandy for 20 bucks and change. There is a Lowes in the same parking lot so I walked over and picked up a fresh bottle of glue.

Man, I have a real bad case of G.A.S. right now, and I'm not talking about farts.
I'm talking about Gear Acquisition Syndrome.
I don't know why, and I don't know how, but I want another guitar or bass to add to the lineup. It was triggered on by my local store having one of these in stock:

It's a Squier Vintage Modified PJ, and that Lake Placid Blue-on-black finish is giving me a Steve Harris vibe. I really don't need it, and I really shouldn't buy it, but it looks so good. I'm definitely a fan of the PJ setup, and I currently own two basses employing that configuration. I also own a Squier Vintage Modified '77 Jazz Bass, which I love.
I also have an Alesis DM10 electronic drum kit that's been sitting in my garage since I acquired it. It's all there, but I've never set it up, and I really don't plan on setting it up anytime soon. I'm wondering if I should trade it in on this. I do need to clean my garage anyway...
5/18/18 10:39 a.m.
logdog, where on the neck is that? That doesn't look like it is unrepairable, but make sure you're doing it right. Wood blocks on either side, a ton of clamps, wood glue injected into it...
This project is moving along nicely. Wire it up, pant and decals and hopefully it will all work.

Tested the pedal today, and it works. That makes me happy.
This board can be built in one of three ways: Distortion +, Micro Amp or DOD 250 inspired. I chose the DOD path, so it became the DOOD Overdrive.

In reply to paranoid_android :
That is great!
In reply to Tony Sestito :
I’m glad you got the humor in it! It was intentional. (Big Lebowsky reference)
My next column talks about borrowing a guitar that had some mojo. Why? It just did.
Anyway, yeah, I wound up buying it. It's a late-'70s Music Man Sabre.

In reply to David S. Wallens :
That looks like it has mojo. Dig the old BADASS bridge too.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
That's a nice one! Looks like it's just broken in, too. I bet it thumps! What's up with all the switches?
I've been trying HARD to stave off Gear Acquisition Syndrome. I saw a Sterling SUB 5-string Stingray advertised at the local Guitar Center for $169. I had to hang onto my wallet tight in order not to go grab that. I really should focus on improving my current lineup.
Just got off my lunch break which I spent at the music store.
Traded in my beat old Squier JBass (candy apple red, affinity series)
Picked up a Vintage Modified Jazz Bass, blonde? Looks like this:

And a Fender Rumble 40 combo for my living room. Looks like this:

Also got a sandwich at Jimmy Johns. Not a bad lunch break at all.
In reply to barefootskater :
Nice! I've been tempted by those VM Squiers a few times in that exact configuration. They are great basses, and they look amazing. I have a VM '77 myself!

I've played through the 25-watt version of that amp as well, and it's a good little practice rig.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
I couldn't believe how BIG the amp sounded. And it is super light. I even have a little budget left for possible pedal tom-foolery. That bass looks great. Love the inlays.
I toyed with ordering another Cort B4. The one I had was amazing and I really fell in love with it but I have never played another and don't know if I just got lucky with that one, and maybe they are not all that good. I need to have my hands on an instrument before paying money for it these days.I don't have a picture of mine... I'll get some. Miss that thing
Tony Sestito said:
In reply to David S. Wallens :
That's a nice one! Looks like it's just broken in, too. I bet it thumps! What's up with all the switches?
It splits the coils. I think. Honestly I've been busy the past week, so I've only had a few minutes to play it. Feels and sounds great, though.
Ian F
6/27/18 1:39 p.m.
After I sell off a few guitars to make some room, I need to pick up a bass. Strongly considering a Fender Steve Harris model... since I already have the Fender and Jackson guitars. And I understand it's a pretty good sounding bass.
I don't know how to play guitar, but I have my daddy's old 1957 Harmony. It's been passed around the family to all the kids who wanted to learn how to play, and it came back to me when my boys wanted to learn how to play. They gave up, but I'm not letting it go (sentimental reasons).
deannathegeek said:
I don't know how to play guitar, but I have my daddy's old 1957 Harmony. It's been passed around the family to all the kids who wanted to learn how to play, and it came back to me when my boys wanted to learn how to play. They gave up, but I'm not letting it go (sentimental reasons).
It is probably so out of adjustment that it won’t stay in tune If everybody just passed it around and fiddled with it for a little bit. Take it to a guitar shop and have them perform a set up on it with a new set of strings and enjoy it.
crankwalk wrote:
It is probably so out of adjustment that it won’t stay in tune If everybody just passed it around and fiddled with it for a little bit. Take it to a guitar shop and have them perform a set up on it with a new set of strings and enjoy it.
I did that a couple years ago; the neck was warped from heat & not being stored properly. Got it fully fixed up, and it plays wonderfully when I have friends come over & tweak with it.
I've been playing a bit more at night this week to distract me from some of the stuff going on in my life (see my "don't take life for granted" thread). I've been playing more bass than 6-string, and I've come to a weird realization about one of my basses.
Specifically, it's a Epiphone Thunderbird Goth, like this:

The realization: I'm not sure I like playing it anymore.
I like the way it looks, and I absolutely LOVE the tone this thing belts out; it's a solid bass through and through. But playing it is somewhat uncomfortable. it's easily the longest bass I own, and for lack of a better explanation, it feels less "a part of you" when you play it. It's like holding a piece of plywood with a giant neck. None of my other basses feel like that. The neck dive is absurd, even with a relocated strap lock, and it digs into my shoulder, making it hurt to play. The fret spacing, especially toward the headstock, is huge, making it hard to jump around while playing technical stuff. It's like trying to autocross in a 1965 Buick Electra when you should be using an Ariel Atom; it's just not suited for that.
I don't have much into it, and I'm not sure if I want to sell it (it makes a great wall hanger and conversation piece since I rescued the thing from oblivion a few years ago), but I'm not sure what to do with it. Any other way to make this more comfortable to play?
Ian F
8/16/18 1:52 p.m.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
I know what you mean. I sometimes feel that way about my Explorer. I need to get an easily adjustable strap for it since I am constantly fiddling with the position when standing (which is how I usually play). Sometimes I want it low, then I get tired of it low and want it higher. Sometimes it's fun to drop it stupid-low and riff away on it, but for any single-note playing I want it higher. I think I'll stop at the local GC after work today and looks at straps again. Maybe playing with strap length would help you as well?
I am also hesitant to sell it since adjusted for inflation it is the most expensive guitar I've ever bought ($1300 back in 1994). It's also somewhat unique as one of Gibson's early Custom Shop guitars and as such has a standard serial number instead of the CS-prefix I've seen on more recent models.
My new main player, a 1979 Fender Precision. I had to get a bass born the same year as me.

I've had my eye out for a 1979 for a reasonable price for a long time, and they keep going up in cost. This one has it all going for it. It's 100% original, aside from the pickguard. Weight is very reasonable for a late 70's fender too.

I'm used to thinner necks, but the B neck on this thing is chunky and really comfortable. This is my new tour/gig monster. It sounds fantastic.

The aged Olympic White and killer patina were just icing on the cake.

Practically twins...
Very cool on the '79 P-bass. Congratulations. A friend of mine plays a '78. It's surprisingly light.
That P-Bass is a beauty! Congrats!!!
I also just had a thought...
What if I converted my Thunderbird to a "FenderBird"?

It's a well-documented build. John Entwhistle of The Who rocked one of these back in the day, and I think that might solve some of the issues I'm having. Plus, I think it looks amazing with the Fender-style neck.