In reply to Tony Sestito :
I feel you on the heavy instrument deal. I had shoulder surgery a few months ago, so playing my Epi Les Paul (heavy) caused me great ouchiness to strap on.
Before I listed it for sale I ordered a 3.5” padded suede strap made by Levy’s, and wow what a difference it made.
This is the one I ordered:
Levy's Leathers M4GF-BLK 3-1/2-inch Garment Leather Bass Guitar Strap with Foam Padding and Suede Backing, Black
Ian F
8/16/18 4:24 p.m.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
What exactly is that supposed to fix other than neck shape? Don't both have 34" scale lengths? Would a maple neck be lighter than the T-bird's (assuming) mahogany neck?
One of the fixes I might do in the interim is change where the strap button is (again). I'm going to relocate it to the area between the neckplate and the neck. This supposedly helps a little. I do have another strap that's both padded and wider I can toss on, but it's been on there before and didn't help much.
On the neck, they are both 34" scale, but there are some differences that make the Fender-style necks more preferable to me. I am a Jazz Bass guy, and I find that neck profile very easy to play. For some reason, bolting on a Fender neck does decrease dive. Could be the length of the headstock or possibly the weight.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
On my 5-string Rick I had to tape a couple pounds of steel to the opposite end of my strap to help counter neck-dive. It sure didn’t help the weight though.
Tony Sestito said:
One of the fixes I might do in the interim is change where the strap button is (again). I'm going to relocate it to the area between the neckplate and the neck. This supposedly helps a little. I do have another strap that's both padded and wider I can toss on, but it's been on there before and didn't help much.
On the neck, they are both 34" scale, but there are some differences that make the Fender-style necks more preferable to me. I am a Jazz Bass guy, and I find that neck profile very easy to play. For some reason, bolting on a Fender neck does decrease dive. Could be the length of the headstock or possibly the weight.
Fender neck is not a direct bolt on. You have three options; 1.) Custom neck, 2.) Mill neck pocket and 3.) Start from scratch.
Warmoth used to have the T-bird body with a Fender pocket to make Fenderbirds, but mysteriously stopped... I suspect a cease and desist.
I solved the neck dive/fall over issue by relocating the rear strap button about 4" up (leave the upper strap button on the body if that's where it's at now, don't move it to the heel, or it will have a tendency to fall forward), HipShot Ultralite tuners and Supertone bridge and having the cavity cover recut out of bell brass.
I have also seen other T-Bird players make a home made horn extension or use one from a Steinberger Synapse but they are expensive hen's teeth.
Gimp said:
My new main player, a 1979 Fender Precision. I had to get a bass born the same year as me.

I've had my eye out for a 1979 for a reasonable price for a long time, and they keep going up in cost. This one has it all going for it. It's 100% original, aside from the pickguard. Weight is very reasonable for a late 70's fender too.

I'm used to thinner necks, but the B neck on this thing is chunky and really comfortable. This is my new tour/gig monster. It sounds fantastic.

The aged Olympic White and killer patina were just icing on the cake.

Practically twins...
If it wasn't for the fact you say your b'day is 1979, I was gonna ask if you actually were CJ...
Anyone else with a serious case of Gear Acquisition Syndrome recently? I've got it bad right now. Lately, I've been looking for a cheap P-Bass and a cheap Strat to turn into a custom build.
For example, I've been eyeing up this particular Squier Bullet Strat:

While I'd rather a maple board, these can be had as cheaply as $119 brand new. I was thinking of snagging one, dropping in a loaded pickguard with some upgraded pickups, and maybe changing to a real Fender tremolo. I might even do a custom logo on the headstock.
The reason? I've been watching a ton of YouTube videos on modding and playing, and I don't have a regular Strat. They are so easy to play, and I want to get better at playing and modding. Yeah, I already have 3 Jacksons and a Les Paul, but most of them are "Metal" guitars and I want to tone it down a bit and broaden my horizons.
Closest I have is the Jackson Performer PS7, which is a HSS Strat-style guitar, but it also leans toward the heavier side of things.

That particular guitar also needs a cosmetic refurb, but it plays so nice right now that I don't want to mess with it.
Another option: find a $50 used Squier, completely strip it and paint it whatever color I want, and upgrade everything else.
I've also considered Telecasters, but I haven't played one yet that I've really liked.
The last thing I need is another guitar, but at $400 this is calling my name.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
Another option: Maybe an old Ibanez Roadstar? Still strat-like without being as boring as a strat, and still off the radar for collectible “vintage” guitars.
I’m really picky about necks/frets/fretboards. I can’t see a new $100 guitar performing in that department...and then you’re looking at $$$ for a new neck. That said, I scored big on an ebay warmoth a few years ago.
My $.02
In reply to poopshovel again :
Yeah, those are nice, too. I've played a few of them in the past. I kinda want to stick with a Fender/Squier this time, as I am going to be modding this one and there's boatloads of possibilities and parts for these. I don't mind "boring"; in fact, I'm almost looking for that.
Here's the thing with the cheap Squiers (and any other cheap guitar): Some play great with good fit and finish out of the box, and some are total garbage with sharp frets and other weirdness. You almost have to play a few of them to find one worth taking home. Way back when I rehabbed a Squier HSS for my nephew, I picked that one up for $89 used. It was gross, but it played great. Everything about it felt decent. On the wall next to that were some new ones. Some played well, and some had fret edges so sharp I felt like I was going to cut my fingers.
My Squier - one of the cheap ones, an Affinity - responded really well to a better tremolo block. Had to do some modification to get it to fit inside the thinner body, but it really woke up the instrument. The electronics were pretty crap, but that's part of the fun.
I've been undergoing some gear acquisition. I shall report back when armed with photographic evidence.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
Ya know, I read that somewhere else a few years ago, and was 100% convinced an “affinity” tele was a killer bargain. I played a bunch of them at multiple shops in and around ATL and they were all absolute garbage IMHO. Fender and gibson should be ashamed to stick their names on some of the crap they put out, but I guess for a couple hundred bucks for a new guitar I shouldn’t expect much.
I will say (again...IMHO) the $119 special Chinese Fender acoustics are really good for the price. I’ve literally bought a half-dozen of them now (they make a pretty awesome $100 gift!) and aside from little finish flaws, they’ve all played well.
I’ve found most of the cheap squires just need a good setup to play & feel pretty nice. The same holds true with the Epiphones & cheaper Ibanez too. You have to figure one thing that makes them much cheaper is not paying anyone for the labor to set them up.
In reply to poopshovel again :
I have been holding out for something from the Standard, Classic Vibe, or Vintage Modified lines; they are a definite step up in quality and closer to the real deal. I just haven't seen one for sale for what I want to pay, so I've been looking at the cheap stuff. If I go that route, I'm expecting to have to do a complete setup, fret dress, and all that. I'm ok with that.
I have a VM '77 Jazz Bass, and I LOVE the thing. It's lighter than the real thing, but the fit, finish, and hardware is as good as any "real" Fender I've played. I was going to mod it, and even bought a high mass bridge for it, but it's too good as-is. It feels like I've had the thing for 20 years, and is probably my favorite bass in my lineup.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
If you can find one get a Squire SE series strat. Full sized bodies and huge necks on them, kinda hard to find but very cheap
In reply to Antihero :
Yeah, those are on the list too. 
EDIT: My favorite shop has one in stock right now. $109.99. Might have to scrounge together some trade-ins for that this weekend.
I’ve had a pretty strong case of GAS lately myself.
Before I bought the Epi Les Paul I have now, I tried a Squier Vintage Modified Tele, and the neck on it was amazing (for me). The only turn off with that one was it was white.
I seem to find myself in the situation where the sound I’m after is Gibson, but the guitars that feel the best to me are Fenders.
I’m not sure what to do with that one yet...
I’ve been contemplating a touchstyle instrument. Krappy Guitars are very intriguing, and I’ve heard their quality is decent. I’d need to contact them & see if they could a custom 30”(or maybe 32”) scale though.
In reply to paranoid_android :
Get a dual humbucker Strat or Tele? I saw some REALLY nice Fender Teles with dual humbuckers last time I visited my favorite shop. They had set necks too.
EDIT: This is what I saw. It's a Fender Special Edition Custom Telecaster FMT HH (for Flame Maple Top, Humbucker/Humbucker). It's the E36 M3!

It's like a Les Paul and a Tele made a baby. A beautiful, awesome-playing baby.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
I have a friend with a 72 Tele Deluxe. It’s the best sounding guitar I’ve ever heard, and he has quite a collection to choose from.
Tony Sestito said:
In reply to paranoid_android :
Get a dual humbucker Strat or Tele? I saw some REALLY nice Fender Teles with dual humbuckers last time I visited my favorite shop. They had set necks too.
EDIT: This is what I saw. It's a Fender Special Edition Custom Telecaster FMT HH (for Flame Maple Top, Humbucker/Humbucker). It's the E36 M3!

It's like a Les Paul and a Tele made a baby. A beautiful, awesome-playing baby.
Man, I have a weakness for weirdo teles...specifically the Charvels.
Ian F
8/25/18 6:59 a.m.
In reply to Tony Sestito :
I have been in GAS recovery for ages, but I've done a decent job of controlling it lately. A few years ago I had a relapse and bought a ton of stuff. Much of that I need to unload now. For better or worse, I have so much fairly high-end gear now that it's rare for me to see something that strikes my fancy.
I've played a few of the set-neck Teles but haven't found one that really gets my blood flowing. I do have a Charvel Tele. That's a fun guitar, although I don't play it very often.
Ian F said:
In reply to Tony Sestito :
I do have a Charvel Tele.
Go on!!! Model 7 or one of the newer San Dimas 2H?
I am digging the Chapman Teles. It's like a "more Metal" version of that Fender I posted. Not too bad on price, either.
Ian F
8/25/18 9:28 a.m.
In reply to poopshovel again :
A somewhat newer San Dimas. Labeled as made in the USA, but I'm not sure what year it is. Bought it used off eBay a few years ago.