Antihero said:
Ian F said:
In reply to Antihero :
This one is $499. I rarely see a tube Marshall of any model for sale at this price.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
Let's see... my guitar rigs have been: a 100W Carvin X100B, a 120W Fender Dual Showman, and a 200W ADA MP-2 rack set-up (still have the latter two). All fed through a 4x12 cab. In some ways, I'm surprised my hearing isn't more damaged and my tinnitus is only moderate.
$499 still isnt bad but for about $50 more you can get the 100w version. I play a marshall DSL15h for low volume practice, all tube and about $275 used. 15w but has a load of gain for metal
I’m not seeing any 100w’s anywhere near that cheap, and unless you’re playing stadiums, a 60w is likely more than you’d ever need. Even in decent sized venues/outdoor shows I’ve got the Splawn at half-power. At the 100w setting, it *seems* like I really have to crank it to get br00tal gain out of it.
Just my $.02
Ian F
8/30/18 1:14 p.m.
Antihero said:
Ian F said:
In reply to Antihero :
This one is $499. I rarely see a tube Marshall of any model for sale at this price.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
Let's see... my guitar rigs have been: a 100W Carvin X100B, a 120W Fender Dual Showman, and a 200W ADA MP-2 rack set-up (still have the latter two). All fed through a 4x12 cab. In some ways, I'm surprised my hearing isn't more damaged and my tinnitus is only moderate.
$499 still isnt bad but for about $50 more you can get the 100w version. I play a marshall DSL15h for low volume practice, all tube and about $275 used. 15w but has a load of gain for metal
Yeah... if you're going to make a price statement like that, post a link. I do see the a new DSL20 for $499 and I see the price of the DSL100 is down to $899.
I passed on it. It's on consignment, so he won't take anything in trade for it and I don't feel like putting out the cash right now and then waiting for the funds to come back after consigning my guitar. And the reality is I need another amp like a hole in the head. I already have... five... (had to think for a minute - which means I don't need another one).
GAS attack averted...
Antihero said:

Found this today at a pawn shop
Nice score, and I had that bass! Mine was a disaster, though. When it worked (and that was rare), it had a cool, raw sound, and being a short scale, it was fun to play. Mine, however, looked like it had been dragged behind an 18 wheeler and left outside for 20 years. I tossed it last year because it was too far gone to save. The neck binding was falling off, the fingerboard was lifting, the electronics (and the cool pickup) were FUBAR'ed, and more. Yours looks like its in great shape!
Ian F said:
Antihero said:
Ian F said:
In reply to Antihero :
This one is $499. I rarely see a tube Marshall of any model for sale at this price.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
Let's see... my guitar rigs have been: a 100W Carvin X100B, a 120W Fender Dual Showman, and a 200W ADA MP-2 rack set-up (still have the latter two). All fed through a 4x12 cab. In some ways, I'm surprised my hearing isn't more damaged and my tinnitus is only moderate.
$499 still isnt bad but for about $50 more you can get the 100w version. I play a marshall DSL15h for low volume practice, all tube and about $275 used. 15w but has a load of gain for metal
Yeah... if you're going to make a price statement like that, post a link. I do see the a new DSL20 for $499 and I see the price of the DSL100 is down to $899.
I passed on it. It's on consignment, so he won't take anything in trade for it and I don't feel like putting out the cash right now and then waiting for the funds to come back after consigning my guitar. And the reality is I need another amp like a hole in the head. I already have... five... (had to think for a minute - which means I don't need another one).
GAS attack averted...
Its not all the time and usually not exactly in the best tolex condition.
Heres a whole TSL half stack for $650
TSL halfstack
And if you look at the used market value of the TSL on this page it starts at $470
TSL used
None of this is new news though, TSLs arent as highly regarded as the older DSL series. I could look harder for other links but you get the point
Since the new 20w DSL came out the 15w are going down in price
DSL15h $275
poopshovel again said:
Antihero said:
Ian F said:
In reply to Antihero :
This one is $499. I rarely see a tube Marshall of any model for sale at this price.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
Let's see... my guitar rigs have been: a 100W Carvin X100B, a 120W Fender Dual Showman, and a 200W ADA MP-2 rack set-up (still have the latter two). All fed through a 4x12 cab. In some ways, I'm surprised my hearing isn't more damaged and my tinnitus is only moderate.
$499 still isnt bad but for about $50 more you can get the 100w version. I play a marshall DSL15h for low volume practice, all tube and about $275 used. 15w but has a load of gain for metal
I’m not seeing any 100w’s anywhere near that cheap, and unless you’re playing stadiums, a 60w is likely more than you’d ever need. Even in decent sized venues/outdoor shows I’ve got the Splawn at half-power. At the 100w setting, it *seems* like I really have to crank it to get br00tal gain out of it.
Just my $.02
Headroom is nice with the chugga chugga, 60w can be not a lot of headroom depending on how much bass you are pushing. I had a RedBear mk60 for awhile. If you havent heard of it, they have a crapload of lowend to them, and 60w wasnt that loud with all the bass
In reply to Tony Sestito :
Its in pretty good shape, distinctive sound definitely and a massive neck. Im happy with it
Ian F
8/31/18 5:10 a.m.
In reply to Antihero :
OK. I was going by a local friend's recommendation and he pays closer attention to gear in our area. I guess some day I'll finally get a Marshall, but apparently not today. Of course, part of me just wants to be stupid and get a Friedman or Suhr...
Ian F said:
In reply to Antihero :
OK. I was going by a local friend's recommendation and he pays closer attention to gear in our area. I guess some day I'll finally get a Marshall, but apparently not today. Of course, part of me just wants to be stupid and get a Friedman or Suhr.
Wonders of the internet, everywhere is "local" for gear. Shipping could suck for them though
Ian F
8/31/18 8:08 a.m.
In reply to Antihero :
Yeah... shipping costs heavily reduce how good a lot of "deals" are. I can't imagine any private seller being willing to ship a tube amp as the likelihood of it making the trip in one piece is rather low. I wouldn't be surprised if shipping would run $100 or more with insurance due to the size and weight.
Ian F said:
In reply to Antihero :
Yeah... shipping costs heavily reduce how good a lot of "deals" are. I can't imagine any private seller being willing to ship a tube amp as the likelihood of it making the trip in one piece is rather low. I wouldn't be surprised if shipping would run $100 or more with insurance due to the size and weight.
Ive shipped several, you just package them to survive a 20ft drop and being attacked by a hoard of wild ninja zombies......because something similiar will prrobably happen.
Guitar centers used site is great on shipping prices and doing their job packing wise. They shipped me a peavey 412f cab, which is huge and weighs a ton since its an oversized 4x12 for i believe $13
In reply to Antihero :
Shipping is costly. Worst one I ever sent was a 70s Fender 300ps. 300w all tube bass head. Point to point wiring. Damn thing weighed 82lbs*. Guy paid my $1400 asking price plus my guessed $100 in shipping (shouldn't have guessed but I was younger then). Something that old and in that good condition I bit the bullet and had UPS package it too so their insurance would cover everything, just in case. Something like $240 to box it up and send it from southern UT to suburbs of SanFran.
I think I paid $60 to have my last Marshall shipped from jersey though. It needed new tubes anyway.
*82.6, but who is counting?
barefootskater said:
In reply to Antihero :
Shipping is costly. Worst one I ever sent was a 70s Fender 300ps. 300w all tube bass head. Point to point wiring. Damn thing weighed 82lbs*. Guy paid my $1400 asking price plus my guessed $100 in shipping (shouldn't have guessed but I was younger then). Something that old and in that good condition I bit the bullet and had UPS package it too so their insurance would cover everything, just in case. Something like $240 to box it up and send it from southern UT to suburbs of SanFran.
I think I paid $60 to have my last Marshall shipped from jersey though. It needed new tubes anyway.
*82.6, but who is counting?
I shipped a f800b I feel your pain. I can't remember the weight but I do remember it was costly. Luckily the shipping was all on the buyer though
poopshovel again said:
You must be a power amp distortion sort of guy lol
I like it too it the right context, but I also like lots of bass response, and why I play a lot of ported cabs, which means headroom
I had a few minutes tonight to work on a quick project, so I made this neck stand for my impending Strat mod session:

It's made up of some spare lumber I had kicking around. I cut the board in two equal size chunks and busted out the hole saw, sawzall, and sander to cut in a U for the neck. I covered the top and U with some spare adhesive-backed felt I had from another project, and sanded the rough edges down. Not the prettiest thing in the world, but it works! Much better than the pillow I was using before.
In reply to Antihero :
No, seriously. Let’s not.
In reply to poopshovel again :
Well thats no fun
my latest acquisition
this is my first adult attempt at electric guitar-ing. and i am certainly a hack this guitar is shockingly well made.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
Thanks, Now if i could just figure out how to play.
In reply to bustedplug :
I’ve been playing over 30-years & still feel that way!
This came home with me yesterday after a disappointing, confusing experience at the local Music Go Round.

An Affinity Stratocaster in very nice condition. Not a tele obviously, but I really do like it more than the Epi Les Paul. Especially the neck shape and finish.
Honestly I wish I hadn’t completely ignored Fenders and Fender style guitars last year when I was looking to buy my first “real” guitar. I’d probably be a lot farther ahead in my playing if I hadn’t been so focused on what I thought I wanted vs. what felt the best.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
I just did the math I have been playing for nearly that long too. I guess I really am as terrible as I thought.
In reply to poopshovel again :
Thanks.I have since restrung this with DR black magic strings. the were a revelation and them being "coated" is kinda cool too.