It occurred to me that we have zero functional flashlights other than our phones. Oh we have lots and lots, but the children have managed to destroy them all. This includes a four D cell Maglite. I want a decent light. I don't need to light up my friends house in the next state. Let's assume I want one for each of the cars, one for the gun safe, a few for drawers, and would prefer not Chinese. I would like a set of contradictory requirements to be met, that they be inexpensive enough that I won't want to strike the child with the dead flashlight when they destroy it, but also durable enough that they probably won't destroy it.
I've got a few of these, or rather Lavolta branded ones from P-E which they apparently don't sell anymore. I paid right around 20 for the light, a 18650 Li-Ion battery, an AC recharger, and a 3-cell AAA adapter. They're pretty awesome.
5/15/20 3:49 p.m.
Not Chinese makes this harder.
Personally, I like the Streamlight 1L-1AA. Makes 350 lumens on a CR123 battery, which is plenty for most uses. But it can also run on a AA battery at slightly reduced power, which is neat if you need to find replacement battery at a gas station, etc.
Pelican Products Saberlite.
I am still using one I bought in the early 80's. It came with a lifetime warranty except for shark bite, bear attack and children under 5. I think the current models removed the exceptions. Waterproof to 2K feet.
I carry and use a Streamlight everyday. I am required to have a FL for work. I carry a Microstream USB in the side pouch of my Leatherman Wave belt holster. Very bright, very tight, and it recharges of off a regular phone's charger.
How about head lamp? I spend a RIDICULOUS amount of time looking for one made in not in mainland China (anywhere but militarily hostile and slave labor is fine with me) and found this for $22. It's just fine. I got the 150. "Princeton Tec"
My circa '03 Petzl headlamp still works, it's pretty dated and heavy by today's standards, it has both LED and xenon bulbs, and 4x AA batteries on the back of your head, it mostly hangs on the wall.
I bought a pair of NEBO Big Larry Pros based on recommendations from a similar thread here a while back. I really liked them at first, but they didn't survive me. I wouldn't say I abused them excessively, but I wasn't gentle on them, just general automotive use, but I'm clumsy have poor dexterity, and drop things frequently. If you're less of a bull in a China shop type than me, they may hold up for you.
It's for sure Chinese, but currently I'm using the HF 390 Lumen Magnetic Slim Bar Folding LED Work Light and it's survived regular abuse since last Black Friday, when I bought it on a whim for ~$18 after the death of my 2nd Big Larry. It's taken a few tumbles, onto the concrete and hasn't died yet.
I've got a Surefire G2X Tactical on my "bump in the night mitigator," and it's like carrying around a small quasar, it will fully illuminate my average suburban back yard from my back door.
Also Chinese, but I've got a bunch of these cheap little UltraFire 300 Lumen lights, 1 in each car, junk drawer, night stand, and have give a lot of them as cheap gifts. They're pretty good, and cheap enough, to buy in bulk and scatter them like confetti.
Not sure where they are made, but my go-to right now is Coast. I love their G32 and smaller inspection beams.
I have the NEBO Big Larry and the HF knockoff. Honestly they work identically and the HF on was like $8.
That and I keep somewhere between 5 and 20 of those little $1 LED flashlights that HF sells and is usually next to the cash register at autozone. If my total purchase is just under the $20 threshold I'll grab one to get over. They might work for a week, might work for years, total crapshoot. But still FAR better than the old days of incandescent bulbs.
I've had pretty good luck with Maglite. I carry a LED Solitaire on my keys and have a non LED bigger light by my nightstand. The Solitaire eats batteries like no other but always works. Not many parts to it and you can pick them up for $10-$15 at any Lowes Depot.
WE have 6 of these (one is being used as a weapon light for an AR). Fantastic for the price point.
I don't use flashlights much anymore, but I keep some in all of the cars. I've had lots of maglights but the cheap "tactical" LED flashlights are a bargain.
Likely all Chinese, though. I have a few labelled as Bell and Howell that came from the hammer store. Small, brighter than a four D maglight, coupons are in nearly every ad.
I use headlamps all the time, practically daily (uh...nightly).
At present, my regular is a Bisgear 6000. They're no longer on Amazon, and I had to replace the batteries, but I like it.

I also began using a headlamp in surgery. One of the problems with that is not being able to touch it without breaking the sterile field.
I bought a Neiko Sensor ADV I, which goes on and off if you wave your hand in front of it, depending on the setting.
It worked fine for other uses but camping style headlamps are just not sufficient for medical use.
After consultation with a lot of other veterinarians, I finally broke down and went for the best. I bought a Ronin surgical headlamp.
A used one (company demo, like new), with a substantial discount was more than challenge car money, but no regrets.
I've bought my wife and my two daughters their very own tape measurers, flash lights, and some basics hand tools in an effort to stop them from raiding my nice, organized shop space.
Zero success...they literally use stuff once and the moment they're done with it, gravity takes over and the tool comes to rest on the ground directly below where it was the moment it was no longer required.
I E36 M3 you not, no exaggeration, I even have an eye witness that frequents this board that can attest to the accuracy of my claim.
I rented a tent cabin in Yosemite a few years ago and the poor camper before me left a cop grade skull crusher (aka, four D cell Mag Light) behind. One of my daughters got her hands on it at some point and that sucker has been gone-baby-gone ever since.
Not helpful, I know, sorry for the rant.
RX Reven' said:
I've bought my wife and my two daughters their very own tape measurers, flash lights, and some basics hand tools in an effort to stop them from raiding my nice, organized shop space.
Zero success...they literally use stuff once and the moment they're down with it, gravity takes over and the tool comes to rest on the ground directly below where it was the moment it was no longer required.
I E36 M3 you not, no exaggeration, I even have an eye witness that frequents this board that can attest to the accuracy of my claim.
I rented a tent cabin in Yosemite a few years ago and the poor camper before me left a cop grade skull crusher (aka, four D cell Mag Light) behind. One of my daughters got her hands on it at some point and that sucker has been gone-baby-gone ever since.
Not helpful, I know, sorry for the rant.
"I feel your pain." And I have certainly witnessed this phenomenon. Repeatedly.
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) said:
RX Reven' said:
I've bought my wife and my two daughters their very own tape measurers, flash lights, and some basics hand tools in an effort to stop them from raiding my nice, organized shop space.
Zero success...they literally use stuff once and the moment they're down with it, gravity takes over and the tool comes to rest on the ground directly below where it was the moment it was no longer required.
I E36 M3 you not, no exaggeration, I even have an eye witness that frequents this board that can attest to the accuracy of my claim.
I rented a tent cabin in Yosemite a few years ago and the poor camper before me left a cop grade skull crusher (aka, four D cell Mag Light) behind. One of my daughters got her hands on it at some point and that sucker has been gone-baby-gone ever since.
Not helpful, I know, sorry for the rant.
"I feel your pain." And I have certainly witnessed this phenomenon. Repeatedly.
You're a veterinarian and I'm a medical device engineer...we both live in a world of knowing that getting it wrong means harming living things and although I don't know you personally, I bet you do exactly what I do...keep everything as organized, and logical, and consistent, and simple, and efficient, and mistake proofed as humanly possible to minimize that damn risk that keeps us up at night.
It's not like you can turn that mindset off when your workday ends.
I have a fenix pd40. It's been a very good and bright light. It even spent a weekend submerged in saltwater in the bilge of my boat and still works. The salt did a great job eating the aluminum, but it still works! The newer models seem to have issues, friends have a pd30 and have sent it back twice for switch repairs.
I got a Milwaukee 700 lumen rechargeable flashlight recently. A bit pricey to be giving one to eack of the family but as a work flashlight it is about the best I have used. I regularly do IR scans of roofs and a small but bright light is critical. This one has been great. I don't take it in the house for fear of it going missing. Instead it is kept in my car and gets charged off a phone charger when needed.
In reply to dean1484 :
How does a visible spectrum flashlight work for infrared scans?
No good USA made and also cheap enough lights, so I caved. I am sorry guys.
It happened because of of my kids never goes to sleep on time. I woke up and did Dad stuff (started laundry, emptied dishwasher, ate, exercised, shaved) and was leaving the house to go to work (more Dad stuff) when I had to do that other Dad thing, turn off all lights. Kid #2 had a light coming from his bed. It turns out we do have a working flashlight, and it's from last Christmas. It's a record in my home, so I bought six of them.
They are pretty versitile, and REI is a great company, so done.
Sorry everyone.
tuna55 (Forum Supporter) said:
REI is a great company.

Neat looking light though.
P3PPY said:
In reply to dean1484 :
How does a visible spectrum flashlight work for infrared scans?
It has no affect on the IR end of things. My IR camera only detects heat. I do the scans at night. It is used to see things so I don't trip on things when doing the scan.
I'm still using a Streamlight ProTac HL. It has been my daily carry for 4-5 years. Not only durable, but they have the best belt holster on the market by far. At $65 they aren't particularly cheap, but cheaper than buying a $30 light every year or so. Also not made in the USA.

tuna55 (Forum Supporter) said:
It occurred to me that we have zero functional flashlights other than our phones. Oh we have lots and lots, but the children have managed to destroy them all. This includes a four D cell Maglite. I want a decent light. I don't need to light up my friends house in the next state. Let's assume I want one for each of the cars, one for the gun safe, a few for drawers, and would prefer not Chinese. I would like a set of contradictory requirements to be met, that they be inexpensive enough that I won't want to strike the child with the dead flashlight when they destroy it, but also durable enough that they probably won't destroy it.
Definitely not Chinese. Streamlight has always been in a top spot when choosing flashlights. Their 74751 Strion is a beast in this section.
Another vote for Streamlight