in the style of Reddit, ELI5 (Explain like I'm 5). What makes a good general use spray gun?
I have an inherited Speedair siphon style gun (a 2Z364 I believe)

now, I see more of this style used more commonly.

What is best for general automotive painting? is what I have useable?
Your old gun is good for primer and unimportant items.
I use a 25 year old Binks gun that cost an absolute fortune. That was way before these new canister on top deals were invented. I also have a cheap gun I got at the Daytona Turkey rod run for $10 for primers. The $10 gun was in a giant cardboard box with 100 others like it, but it works just fine for Primer.
I use my 25 year old gun because I own it, but my friends like the new style. A buddy of mine used a HVLP to paint his 1939 Buick hot rod and '61 Corvette and people commonly ask him what shop painted it.
There is a lot to this issue, but to be brief:-
Yeah, you can use what you've got, but you'll use a lot more paint and create more overspray.
If you're serious about painting something, buy a HF HVLP gun for primer (what I use) and a better HVLP for the finish. I use a Finishline gun by Devilbiss for topcoats. A good gun and priced right for the hobbyist.
Recommend top cup with 3m pps system or equivalent, so much easier to cleanup and can spray at any angle
Fwiw I use an iwata supernova for urethanes/car stuff and CA technologies for my wood/cabinetry.