I'd like to get a lever action .22 for varmint control. I have a 10/22 and some single shots. I want something that can tolerate nice quiet CB Longs and reload quickly; more quickly and less expensively than a bolt action. I'd love a Winchester 9422, but I didn't know that I wanted one until about six months after they stopped making them, and used ones are going for huge money. A Henry seems like the obvious choice but I wonder if I'm missing something. Any other suggestions?
I like the Henry's, that's what I would get if it was my money. I always buy used, so I don't even know what the new prices are like.
I used to have a Browning BL-22. It was a fantastic gun.
My dad recently snagged a Henry repeater and it's pretty awesome.
I have nothing else to contribute.
12/25/16 8:34 p.m.
There a bunch of cool options out there if you look a bit. Can't go wrong with Marlin or Winchester as they never lose value despite costing more up front.Gunbroker 22 lever hunt
Have you considered a pump? My ability to stay on target between shots is much greater with a pump over a lever action. This is probably related to me growing up with pump shotguns. The stroke on a pump .22 is absurdly short so that takes a little getting used to, but I still prefer them.
A Winchester 94/22 is going for around one large these days. Not sure what the Henrys are going for. Also consider one of the 22 pump guns like the Remington. They will shoot S/L/LR's.
In reply to smokindav:
Marlins are local, which I like, but, and this seems silly, but I just don't like the look of the curved lever.
I had forgotten about the existence of pump action .22s. I'll look into the Remingtons. Does anyone else make one?
You didn't say why you didn't want a semi-auto... but it meets your needs for less money than any lever or pump gun.
My BIL has a Henry and it's a nice piece of kit. It was 2/3 the cost of a Bushmaster AR though so... you have to just really want one I think. It's one of those things that doesn't need to make sense.
Wow, the Remingtom Fieldmaster is really appealing, but that's a lot of money.
Remington Fieldmaster 572 BDL
Huckleberry wrote:
You didn't say why you didn't want a semi-auto... but it meets your needs for less money than any lever or pump gun.
My BIL has a Henry and it's a nice piece of kit. It was 2/3 the cost of a Bushmaster AR though so... you have to just really want one I think. It's one of those things that doesn't need to make sense.
I have .22 semis, but the CB Longs won't cycle the action. I can usually eject the shell manually, but want something that works as it should. CB Longs are quieter than my air rifle and I can get off a quicker second shot.
The Henry is $299 at Cabela's.
I have a Marlin Golden 39A and like it a lot.
I also have a Fieldmaster (along with the Marlin 39A). It's a good gun and I've killed a lot of squirrels with it - but it doesn't have the same romantic appeal as a lever gun.
Woody wrote:
Wow, the Remingtom Fieldmaster is really appealing, but that's a lot of money.
Remington Fieldmaster 572 BDL
I picked up a plain Jane, non-Golden Boy, H001 Henry at Academy for $260 back in September, it was on sale in their Sunday ad in the paper.
There are several I would prefer to have, but as you've already discovered, there's nothing on the market anymore that really competes with them, and the used market has gone stupid.
I grew up shooting my dad's Winchester 190 at just about any varmint that moved. That was back when a 12 year old could buy a brick of .22s at Walmart for <$10 and no one thought anything of it. The Win 190 is a tube fed semi-auto, but shoots shorts, longs, and long rifles, I can't recall trying it but I figure if it cycles with shorts, it probably would with CBs too. I haven't looked into 190 pricing though, might be worse than 9422s.
They haven't made them in a few years, but since you've already got a 10/22, a 96/22 would be a great addition/companion rifle, it was Ruger's lever action that uses 10/22 magazines. We got dad a 96/17 (.17 HMR) for Christmas several years ago, it's a sweet shooter.
Winchester also made a pump .22, the 1890/1906/62/62a and probably a couple more model variations I'm forgetting, all the same John Browning design, they made millions of them.
I'd go see what the local pawnshops and gun stores have on the used rack.
We used to have a Marlin 39A, I referred to it as her "Annie Oakley" special. That thing was astonishingly accurate.
12/26/16 7:58 a.m.
For new the Henry is the best deal, on both lever and pump. I have no clue as to the used market.
On the subject of 10/22 mags and bolt guns, I think the 96/22 and 77/22 are discontinued, but the American is current and runs around $300.
I learned to shoot on my dad's Fieldmaster and I own Browning lever action .22. I love the little Browning it is one of my favorites of all time.
I've seen a Rossi take down 22 S/L/LR pump gun. I think they are pretty high, though. I think it is a clone of an old Winchester J.M. Browning design.
That Henry standard model is probably your best bet.
Woody wrote:
Wow, the Remingtom Fieldmaster is really appealing, but that's a lot of money.
Remington Fieldmaster 572 BDL
Thats ridiculous. I bought one for my FIL years ago and it was cheaper than the Ruger 10-22 at that time.
After he died it disappeared.
Our family has a Marlin 39A. A nice shooting rifle, but it didn't digest cheap ammo well. We also have a Winchester 61, which is the bomb. You can mix the ammo and it still pops it out. Quiet if you shoot shorts in it. Rossi makes (or made) a newer version of the Winchester 62, the gallery version of the 61.
12/26/16 9:23 a.m.
The only gun I've ever actually wanted was a .22 lever action rifle that holds the bullets under the barrel in a tube. Still haven't bought one, but one day when I finally have time to take up shooting I will get one. I miss plinking cans at the old family home place.
Here ya go, slefain:
.22 lever action rifle that holds the bullets under the barrel in a tube.
At three bills, that is the cheapest you will ever see it. Although you might check Walmart if you live in a free state. I have seen some excellent prices there, typically 10 or 20 bucks cheaper than Cabelas on 1022's, for example.