We're heading to the horse centre for a retired Thoroughbred show on the weekend of Oct 24. We plan to arrive sometime on Thursday and leave Monday morning. Most of our time will be spent in the centre doing horse stuff but we should have our evenings free. What are some things that we should see while we're there? I have a bit of a weak spot for a good Kentucky bourbon so I'd like to see about touring a distillery. I'm looking for recommendations on places to eat too. Keep in mind that we'll be driving a very thirsty 3/4 ton truck around and we won't have a lot of free time so we need to stay fairly local. We're really looking forward to the trip but it'll be the furthest I've ever trailered the horses so I have some trepidation. I've already started to go through our trailer to make sure everything is good to go. The truck will get a once or twice over too.