7/10/13 8:54 p.m.
So this happened today:

Had long hair pretty much since I got out of the Navy in '91. I was thinking of a change for some time, then last summer a friend took a photo of a group of us from behind at a car meet, and i saw how thin it was getting in back! No comb-over for this guy, time for a change.

And here we are. Time to mail in that pony tail tomorrow. So long hair, we had a good run didn't we?
Very cool.
My daughter does this every 4-5 years.
Good on you sir. 
I know ladies that do this. You are the first dude I know.
Kudos 2 U.
I did it too. Cool to think of someone who needs it, wearing my hair.
Awesome... I've done it 3 times now... last one was a nonth or 2 ago... cut off 21inches
Did it about 2 years ago, nearly time again.
Bravo man, job well done.
Good on ya, sir! We haven't sought them out yet, because SWMBO's son doesn't give a berkeley yet. And his mom still wonders if his own will come back before he's old enough to care what the girls think.
May 2012..I have to admit, it's not much thicker today.

I applaud your charity and giving, but must say you look younger with short hair.
7/11/13 6:30 a.m.
My wife has done that - me, I can't grow hair more than a few inches... ever.
Good for you! Nice charity.
7/11/13 6:50 a.m.
Thanks all! I admit I get happy knowing some ill child will get to rock my awesome hair soon. 
Awesome, Locks of Love is a great charity!