I've been calling around trying to find a mobile AC shop to evac the R12 from my 'rolla, which is far from driveable right now.
One place just told me in a very professional, straight-faced and matter-of-fact way how to release the freon into the atmosphere, which is legal here.
LOL no thanks, not ready to settle for that yet.
Ever used that keyboard cleaner "air in a can"?
EDIT: NVM, that's r134a
Just thinking about this since I had my A/C replaced at my house the other day, maybe a residential HVAC guy could capture it for you? Not sure if they'd have R12 equipment, or the right fittings, but I think it's a solid maybe?
In reply to GameboyRMH:
Legal to release R-12 into the atmosphere? Where do you live? It's illegal everywhere in the USA.
R-12 is like gold. Find somebody that wants it.
Answered your own question 
I found a guy who can do it, just waiting to get a call back now.
In the US, the EPA can issue a $30,000 fine for intentionally releasing R12. Big difference between here and there apparently!
I had the same issue with the truck I bought for its engine last fall. It took me forever finding a place that still had R-12 equipment PERIOD. Never did find a place that would come to me, so I found the nearest place to me and carefully drove the unregisered and uninsured truck the mile or so to the shop to have them evacuate the system.
5/13/13 3:10 p.m.
Some rules are looser in Barbados,others, not so much.
Barbados gives people in New Zealand skin cancer.