These things suck!
KILL THEM WITH FIRE! (No seriously. Fire or lots of salt. If you crush them they'll release their eggs).
They're gross and they multiply like crazy (any two can breed). Their poop is like epoxy glue, if it sticks to a wall all you can do is chisel off as much as you can and repaint.
Man, there's some crazy flora and fauna down in So. FLA!
GameboyRMH wrote:
KILL THEM WITH FIRE! (No seriously. Fire or lots of salt. If you crush them they'll release their eggs).
So... unlimited pitching wedge practice isn't as cool an idea as I originally thought.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
So... unlimited pitching wedge practice isn't as cool an idea as I originally thought.
Their gross parasite-ridden guts (including their hyper-sticky poo) would get all over your club and legs.
slefain wrote:
1. Collect snails.
2. Ship to France.
3. Profit!
Even the French won't eat them
Some people in Africa do but they don't need any more.
link from a couple years ago. Better picture, too

I've mentioned these on GRM before:
JoeyM wrote:
I should work for the tourism dept.
Welcome to Florida. Enjoy your stay, but know that we are all doomed.
Large slimy snails - that we cannot touch without getting parasites - are going to eat our homes until they resemble swiss cheese. We'll try to retreat into the bushes, but will be unable to cope with the stinging caterpillars and nile monitors. A few brave souls will attempt to take refuge in the ocean, but will be forced back onto land by sharks, stinging jellyfish, and other poisonous creatures. None of that will matter, anyway, though, because the strawberry farmers will cause a mega-sinkhole that will engulf the entire state. (Oddly, the Burmese pythons will be welcomed, because they'll try to prevent the disaster by eating the strawberry farmers. Sadly, this will happen too late to matter.) The only areas that will survive are tacky places like the amusement park districts and I-drive, which are already entirely artificial.
Palmetto bugs will take over the state, and will elect one of their own as governor. He'll do a better job than Rick Scott, though not as well as Jeb Bush.
I know they're horrible and all of that, but they're one of the prettier things that will try and eat your house. At least to me. Good luck Florida!
4/15/13 1:55 p.m.
We are a few miles north of Dade county, and have not yet heard or seen anything of them yet. Sincerely hope it remains that way. My dogs would go nuts and then probably die.
4/15/13 2:38 p.m.
Such a shame....between these guys, the pythons, lionfish and the new humpback grouper. I've given up. Just let globalization take its place and let's be done with least I wont have to travel to these foreign destinations anymore to experience these creatures.
BTW I see that a lot of news outlets, including CNN, say these snails' shells could puncture tires, suggesting that they're hard like steel or something. Their shells are not stronger than usual and wouldn't puncture a tire easily.
Any chance the pythons eat them?
Yet another reason to avoid America's schlong (as if I needed another). The mountains are looking better all the time.
Damn, why didn't anyone tell me that the Giant African Land Snail Science Symposium was coming to town?!
4/15/13 8:51 p.m.
Sucks that they aren't delicious. I dig me some snails as food.
why do I find it disturbing that anybody would want a snail as a pet?
There were snails everywhere when I lived in Boca. I have yet to see any of those on my regular travel to Homestead, but just one of a million things you need to be looking out for while driving down there. DMV area drivers are almost as bad as the clowns in South Florida.