pete240z wrote:
pinchvalve wrote:
#2, with a 12 year gap between.
I have a 9 year old and a 21 year old. It was funniest when she had a kindergarten graduation and he graduated from high school the same week.
My wife is 18 years older than her youngest sibling. He was born a couple months before her high school graduation. My mother-in-law insisted on pushing the stroller around, etc. They didn't want her to look like a teen mom.
BTW, Congrats Pinchvalve!
I love how every newborn seems to have this look of "hey dad, but down the camera and get me some milk....pronto."
aussiesmg wrote:
Congrats on the wee bairn Pinched One
Why is there a 2Bbl small block Ford sitting in front of that 58-62 Corvette?
Anyways, Congratulations Pinchy!!!!
11/16/11 11:39 a.m.
Woohoo! Congrats! I'm right behind you, our second is due May 5th.
Javelin wrote:
Why is there a 2Bbl small block Ford sitting in front of that 58-62 Corvette?
I'm surprised this keeps coming up. Look at that kid. He's like what? Three months old? He don't know any better. That's why kids need parents.
aussiesmg wrote:
Congrats on the wee bairn Pinched One
Why are there Mercury Marine head gaskets sitting next to that SBF?
Doesn't even have safety glasses on. That kid needs quality parenting asap.
Thanks everyone! He is amazing and we are truly blessed that everything went so well.
I have been trolling Craigslist for 50cc go carts and such, but I may be getting ahead of myself.
I see a Power Wheels vehicle in your future, buy it now and plan the mods. They grow up quick.
Congrats. Mine turned six in August. Every day is something new.
Magnus Patrick came to us on 8/2. Dad had some influence on his first photo shoot: