My grandparents got my dad a '99 Miata for his birthday. Since then, he seems to be nit-picking every little fault with that car. This is getting on my nerves, because I was the one who hunted for and found the car. He's definitely enjoying it, but still grumbling about things like parking lot dents in one of the doors, and a 2" tear in the roof. ("The roof needs to be replaced." "No it doesn't. Just patch it.")
He had to have a '99+ with power options, A/C, ABS, and a Torsen. My grandparents were only going to spend $4k. This was the only car within a 2-hour drive that I found that would meet those requirements.
I'm debating if I should tell him to quit his bitching about it and just appreciate the fact that he got a rather nice gift.
If you give it to me, I promise to never complain about it... I might even let you ride in it.
Yeah, he's being a dick. Apply liberal doses of "bitch slap" to rear of skull until he either shuts up or fixes the minor problems his own damned self.
Honestly, tell him to have the paintless dent people out to fix the dents. Then patch the damned roof and get on with it.
The only time the roof should be up is when it is raining/snowing and you're going too slow for the weather to pass overhead or when the car is parked outside and you don't want people to toss crap in the car.
It isn't like the top is hard to open and close.
Your dad sounds like the type of guy my dad would say "he'd complain if he were hung with a new rope."
Take him miata shopping...
That's what I used to do when I got discouraged with my house...go look at other houses of comparable market price. It brought me back to reality in a hurry. Suddenly, I was quite content with the house I had.
6/4/09 2:49 p.m.
fiat22turbo wrote:
Yeah, he's being a dick. Apply liberal doses of "bitch slap" to rear of skull until he either shuts up or fixes the minor problems his own damned self.
then take him to a track/autocross and let him see how much fun the car is.
I think the problem may be that he saw one Miata in the area that was in pristine condition (that sold before I started car hunting) and he thinks it was indicative of the condition of these cars.
Also, my dad is an absolute perfectionist (at least, regarding trivial things) and he has to be sure everything is done "Perfectly". But for an inexpensive car, that's just not practical. And it's going to be tracked regularly, so WTF does it matter if there are little things like dents?
I was going to send him an e-mail, but I think I'll just bring it up next time he makes a comment about any issue with the car.
Mental wrote:
then take him to a track/autocross and let him see how much fun the car is.
He did take it to an Auto-X. He seemed to have fun but made noises about how the car could really use some better suspension and tires, and how the brakes are spongy.
No E36 M3, Sherlock! It's got 120k miles on original shocks, and it looks like the brakes have never been bled. The only other Miata he's driven hard was mine on R-comps. (He has ordered an FM Stage 2 package, steel lines, and is planning to do the basic maintenance.)
Maybe he thinks he's not complaining, just noting what needs to be done to build up the car. He's just spending more time being critical of the car for what it doesn't have yet, than he is appreciating how nice of a deal he got.
Are your grandparents looking to adopt? I have a birthday coming up!
I need new grandparents.. I only have my grandmother's left
ClemSparks wrote:
That's what I used to do when I got discouraged with my house...go look at other houses of comparable market price. It brought me back to reality in a hurry. Suddenly, I was quite content with the house I had.
I wish. If I did that, I'd realize I could buy my house for $100,000 less than I paid for it. berkeley.
Wait until the pre-cat fails, then you will hear some whining!
I believe only the 99 California cars (maybe other states?) had these, so needless to say they are a bit pricey (about $250 I believe) and none to easy to get at. You might be able to move the O2 sensor behind the main cat, but I don't know if that will work.
Damn right he needs to quit bitching and be happy. Sheesh. 
Get him a scholarship to a hairdressers class .
aircooled wrote:
Wait until the pre-cat fails, then you will hear some whining!
I believe only the 99 California cars (maybe other states?) had these, so needless to say they are a bit pricey (about $250 I believe) and none to easy to get at. You might be able to move the O2 sensor behind the main cat, but I don't know if that will work.
I wish the cat in my BMW was that cheap....
His tune calmed down a bit today. He took the car to a good local shop and had the guy inspect the general condition of the car. They specialize in European cars, but the primary tech is a big-time Spec Miata guy.
Turned out that, gasp, the car is in generally solid condition with a number of original items wearing or worn out. This 123k car needs to have the original shocks replaced, along with a couple ball joints (I think it was just the upper ones), and one of the wheel bearings is starting to go. And the guy said it looked like it had a Quaife LSD in it too.
He sounded rather pleased to hear that the car was in good condition for the age and mileage on it.
Salanis wrote:
My grandparents got my dad a '99 Miata for his birthday. Since then, he seems to be nit-picking every little fault with that car. This is getting on my nerves, because I was the one who hunted for and found the car. He's definitely enjoying it, but still grumbling about things like parking lot dents in one of the doors, and a 2" tear in the roof. ("The roof needs to be replaced." "No it doesn't. Just patch it.")
Does anybody here have a link to instructions on how to patch soft tops. I have a tear in my Miata's top that could use a patch.
Snowdoggie wrote:
Does anybody here have a link to instructions on how to patch soft tops. I have a tear in my Miata's top that could use a patch.
I don't have a link, but there are a number of easy ways to do it. If your top is vinyl (probably) you should be able to buy a really simple patch kit at almost any autoparts, boat supply, or fabric/craft store.
Or just sew it up. Go to a fabric store and ask their recommendation for the appropriate needle and thread, and coat the inside of your patch with some waterproof sealant.
Salanis wrote:
His tune calmed down a bit today. He took the car to a good local shop and had the guy inspect the general condition of the car. They specialize in European cars, but the primary tech is a big-time Spec Miata guy.
Turned out that, gasp, the car is in generally solid condition with a number of original items wearing or worn out. This 123k car needs to have the original shocks replaced, along with a couple ball joints (I think it was just the upper ones), and one of the wheel bearings is starting to go. And the guy said it looked like it had a Quaife LSD in it too.
He sounded rather pleased to hear that the car was in good condition for the age and mileage on it.
Meh. Kick him in the balls anyway.
I was going to suggest that every time he complains about a dent that you go put another dent in it while he stands there watching. 
Upper baljoints are about the most expensive part in a miatas suspension, I've found. Tell your dad he's too old for his parents to buy him a car. Quityerbellyachin!
6/5/09 10:19 a.m.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I was going to suggest that every time he complains about a dent that you go put another dent in it while he stands there watching.
That punishes the innocent! Put a dent in him every time he complains. :)
AFAIK, Quaife has yet to make an LSD for the Miata. Replacement gear set, yes, but not yet a diff. Torsen, possible.
fiat22turbo wrote:
Yeah, he's being a dick. Apply liberal doses of "bitch slap" to rear of skull until he either shuts up or fixes the minor problems his own damned self.
This was my thought as well. I would be THRILLED to get a car as a gift especially something like a running Miata. Hell I was thrilled to get my non running Olds Cutlass and any time I have talked about problems with it are when I'm trying to figure out how to fix things.
My mom and dad bought my wife a focus(an 06 with 7k on it) true I dont like the car. But thats why I bought an Intersceptor.