Every once in a while, I try my hand at googling a picture- About 10ish years ago, when Skoda was running WRC, one of their cars got hung up on the stone wall keeping you on one of the mountain roads on the Monte Carlo rally. The car is sitting fully on the wall, on a multi hundred foot precipiece, held onto the wall by a well place lamp post.
I would love a poster quality photo of that, so I need the help of one with stronger google-fu than I.
Found a youtube of it
Yep. Thats the one. I guess the cliff isn't quite as high as I'd remembered, but I just like that picture.
I feel some philosophy of luck is really profiled there.
I feel the philosophy of not tearing down antiquated technology right away. You just never know when a telegraph pole might save your life. 

Not very high quality unfortunately
New Reader
12/9/11 11:47 p.m.
Here it is from a different angle:

That will do. I like the angle of the helicopter shot better, but the quality is not so great.
Congrats on your Google skills. You win!
12/10/11 8:10 a.m.
Can my rectum un-pucker now?
Tommi Makinen at Corsica, 2001.

Video including in-car:
At about :35 in your pucker will come right back. For whatever reason, Makinen used to have the most spectacular crashes of all the drivers at that time.