I am trying to buy an android phone off ebay with some specific features I am looking for but with so many models and manufactures I don't know what to look for. I am coming from an iphone but want to make the switch and I would like to get the following features on the android phone.
Would like a GSM phone for Att/T-mobile/etc
front facing camera
rear camera that can record 720p video
Any suggestions? I am pretty sure the new samsung galaxy 3 will do all of this but I didn't want to spend $600 on a phone. I am trying to keep this low priced as much as I can anyway.
6/26/12 12:42 p.m.
I am on the road and can't be much help but... goto www.phonescoop.com and use the fone finder feature. This will give you all the specs of all the android phones that work with t mobile
wow that is awesome thanks for that tip!
Any android gsm phone will have the bluetooth and GPS. I think you're saying you want a camera on both sides like most tablets have.
I'd cut there search for the bluetooth and GPS because all androids will have them, and concentrate on the camera aspect.
My galaxy 2 has those features. I'm on sprint, but there is also a gsm version.
I don't have a smartphone yet, but I am looking at the iPhone pretty seriously. Would you share why you are looking to get rid of yours? 
bgkast wrote:
My galaxy 2 has those features. I'm on sprint, but there is also a gsm version.
+1 to everything he said.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I don't have a smartphone yet, but I am looking at the iPhone pretty seriously. Would you share why you are looking to get rid of yours?
Well I am an apple user, i have a mac and iphone and I like them very much but I am looking for something different. The iphone is really easy to use for first time smart phone users, for example my dad can barley use email on a computer but he wanted email on his phone so we got him an iphone and so far he has been able to use it.
I am just looking to try something different, I don't know if I will fully convert or not but there are a lot of android users out there so I would like to try it out.
PADD? Phone Attention Deficit Disorder?
Not really I have had my iphone 3gs for around 4 years, had it in an otterbox so it is in perfect condition. I want to get the iphone 5 when it comes out in the fall but just looking to try out an android before i do that.
6/26/12 9:18 p.m.
In reply to scardeal:
That is the best thing about android phones.
Im on my 6th one in a year
GVX19 wrote:
In reply to scardeal:
That is the best thing about android phones.
Im on my 6th one in a year
how does someone afford that?... $500+ a pop if you go newest bestest phone out... only get to upgrade every so often...
donalson wrote:
GVX19 wrote:
In reply to scardeal:
That is the best thing about android phones.
Im on my 6th one in a year
how does someone afford that?... $500+ a pop if you go newest bestest phone out... only get to upgrade every so often...
Buy them off ebay for the price of the upgrade or less used.
FWIW the GNex or Galaxy SII are pretty much the best GSM phones on the market right now and the SII is getting ICS this month. ICS is a huge improvement over Gingerbread in my humble opinion so you'll get a better introduction to Android with it. Also stock ICS is much better than Touchwiz or, god forbid, Motoblur.
I've got an SIII on order. Can't wait to get my grubby hands on it.
I'm bothered that the Android phone that seems to fit my requirements the best is the HTC Status, their "Facebook phone" since I want a real keyboard and a decent touchscreen. The battery life is poor and the keyboard doesn't seem that hot. Meh.
7/3/12 1:13 p.m.
I have one of these collecting dust:
Used for roughly two months last fall before CinBell cancelled my acct for too much data roaming. Should work for AT&T as CinBell uses them for their coverage outside of Cinci/Dayton.
Might suit your needs short of 720p video...
Drop me a PM if interested.
7/3/12 1:23 p.m.
The0retical wrote:
I've got an SIII on order. Can't wait to get my grubby hands on it.
I got mine last night. Seems awesome so far.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
I don't have a smartphone yet, but I am looking at the iPhone pretty seriously. Would you share why you are looking to get rid of yours?
because its an iPhone...
srsly...if my iPad wasnt free, I would never use one. Im also on the hunt for an inexpensive Android - 
jde wrote:
I have one of these collecting dust:
Used for roughly two months last fall before CinBell cancelled my acct for too much data roaming. Should work for AT&T as CinBell uses them for their coverage outside of Cinci/Dayton.
Might suit your needs short of 720p video...
Drop me a PM if interested.
PM sent, Im interested if the OP passes on your offer