I tried google but can't remember much other than I think I saw it 10 years ago.
The video featured a rotating set where it looked like the guy was on the ceiling, then slid down the wall, etc etc. Of course the camera was rotating with the set.
Any ideas?
Can't remember the genre but want to say some sort of R&B. Not sure though.
Googling : music video rotating set etc etc. didn't turn up anything.
It isn't Jamiroquai's Virtual Insanity is it? Not R&B, more Jazz influenced.
fiat22turbo wrote:
It isn't Jamiroquai's Virtual Insanity is it? Not R&B, more Jazz influenced.
I read your post and said "bingo."
But I looked at the video and it has a moving floor, not a rotating room.
Jamiroquai is who I had in my head though.
So now I'm even more confused.
Anyone else have an idea?
3/8/09 8:16 p.m.
"Dancing on the Ceiling" by Lionel Richie?
JFX001 wrote:
"Dancing on the Ceiling" by Lionel Richie?
I believe that video was inspired by a scene from a Fred Astaire movie many years earlier.
Google led me to the Foo Fighters, but that wasn't it.
The Lionel Ritchie vid has the elements I was talking about, so that must be what I was remembering.
That and my brain got it mixed up with the Jamiroquai vid.
I wanted to show my daughter is the reason I was looking.
Thanks guys.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOfDseXvo6U ?
probly not it..
JFX001 wrote:
"Dancing on the Ceiling" by Lionel Richie?
Thats exactly what came to my mind. 
Scared to admit I know this- n'sync had one with a rotating room. 
For all of your music video needs: http://www.mtvmusic.com . Naturally, the first one I watched was Thriller, then Hot For Teacher.
There was another Jamiroquai video that had Jay Kay squirting from room to room and (I'm pretty sure) dancing on ceilings. Canned Heat, maybe?
Nope, that doesn't match the description. But it's still really fun to watch. Jay Kay moves like a bug most of the time, and it's even weirder when they start with the camera tricks.
3/8/09 11:33 p.m.
porksboy wrote:
JFX001 wrote:
"Dancing on the Ceiling" by Lionel Richie?
Thats exactly what came to my mind.
Marilyn Manson's theory on this song is that it's Lionel Richie extolling the virtues of being coked out of one's gourd. It actually seems to make sense.
MrJoshua wrote:
Scared to admit I know this- n'sync had one with a rotating room.
Don't feel so bad... I know that's the video for "Bye bye bye".
Was it the one with an 80's black guy in a room that was all miami vice pink and stuff? I've seen it too and I can't remember.
Not it, but worth posting!
3/9/09 8:32 a.m.
curtis73 wrote:
Was it the one with an 80's black guy in a room that was all miami vice pink and stuff? I've seen it too and I can't remember.
That describes pretty much every video in the 80's that involved a black artist (or any other artist for that matter) 
I believe you're referring to the exact music video I'm searching for. The one I'm thinking of has a Caucasian older man, a famous actor... Is this right?
Gonna keep looking and let you know...
Christopher Walken is the name of the actor. Now I'm getting some where...
Weapon of Choice is the name of the music video. Find it on Youtube.
moderndeluxe wrote:
I believe you're referring to the exact music video I'm searching for. The one I'm thinking of has a Caucasian older man, a famous actor... Is this right?
Gonna keep looking and let you know...
I already posted Weapon of Choice.
Freakin' n00bs!
Osterkraut wrote:
moderndeluxe wrote:
I believe you're referring to the exact music video I'm searching for. The one I'm thinking of has a Caucasian older man, a famous actor... Is this right?
Gonna keep looking and let you know...
I already posted Weapon of Choice.
Freakin' n00bs!
Ever see the version where they speed up the video and play "Yakity Sax" instead? HILARIOUS.