Joe Gearin wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
As Rush said today, only with The Left is failure considered a job qualification. And it seems like the higher up the failure, the more qualified to run another company.
Was that Bobby Rush? Cause I'm sure not going to listen to anything that bloated windbag Limbaugh has to say. Unless he has found a way to bribe doctors into breaking the law to support an illegal drug habit. Oh yeah....
Bush doesn't deserve all the credit, or fault for our plight.
Of course he had quite a record of failure up until he became gov. I guess hypocrisy is fine for Rush and his "Ditto Heads" though.
Sorry......Rush annoys me to no end......that's probably why I listen to him.....he is an entertainer, not a journalist.
Ann Coulter makes Rush Limbaugh sound like a weenie. The more outrageous she gets, the more books she sells. I loved the part about going to Iraq, killing all their leaders and converting them all to Christianity.
Not that the right has the market cornered on being extreme. Listen to Randy Rhodes or Ann Samuels on the Sirius Left Channel. Those two would make Marx and Lennin look like moderates.
It's all about the ratings.
Dr. Hess wrote:
As I said, the outsourcing is an indicator of failed upper management.
This makes no sense. None at all. None period...
Are you and Rush both on Oxycontin?
bankruptcy..... is a sign of poor management .. poor products and placement of those products.. sure that is also a sign of poor upper management.... but outsourcing?
You're rantings are sounding more and more like a self loathing underling who dosen't try hard at their job and is then angry at the uppers for not promoting them based upon a mediocre track record..... As an engineer.. I've been there, it is the way to get nowhere fast.
Chill out. Now show me a company that Obama has bankrupted and needed to be bought out by BIN LADEN's family.. and I'll go away.
1/16/09 3:41 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
As I said, the outsourcing is an indicator of failed upper management.
This makes no sense. None at all. None period...
I think he means that it is a call indicative of upper management that is big on the latest-and-greatest management theories, but disconnected from the reality of running a business. And so, when you see management make these kind of calls, it generally precedes significant failures in the business.
The kind of management that thinks overseas outsourcing is the way to go, is the sort of management who will damage the long-term stability of a business.
Salanis wrote:
ignorant wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
As I said, the outsourcing is an indicator of failed upper management.
This makes no sense. None at all. None period...
I think he means that it is a call indicative of upper management that is big on the latest-and-greatest management theories, but disconnected from the reality of running a business. And so, when you see management make these kind of calls, it generally precedes significant failures in the business.
The kind of management that thinks overseas outsourcing is the way to go, is the sort of management who will damage the long-term stability of a business.
driving at the wrong root cause. It isn't the outsourcing per se that ouwl be the problem in that case it would be poor strategic placement of those people and bad over all business strategy.. Get to the root cause not this stupid crap.
For once, Salanis actually understands something I wrote.
ignorant, did you grad-gee-ate with that MBA yet? You're part of the problem, then. They told you in school how great outsourcing IT is and you believed it because they said if you don't regurgitate this, you won't get this degree. Now you go get a job somewhere and tell them all how great outsourcing IT is. The idiots at the VP level believe you because you just came out of school, so you must have some good school-smarts and they do it. That, and there's this really smart sales guy that told them all how much money they will save doing that. And you help bring down the company because you truely have no clue how IT really works or the informational needs of your company. The VP-up levels that went along with the whole thing are stooopid and will make other similar mistakes until the company does a CC. Then they'll get jobs at the VP level with other companies because they have lots of experience.
1/16/09 3:56 p.m.
ignorant wrote:
driving at the wrong root cause. It isn't the outsourcing per se that ouwl be the problem in that case it would be poor strategic placement of those people and bad over all business strategy.. Get to the root cause not this stupid crap.
The root cause is poor management that makes bad decisions. Outsourcing jobs is one of the many mistakes that bad management likes to make, but it tends to be one of the first things you see them do before they start really screwing everything else up royally.
And rather than an example of any politics or "rewarding stupidity", it is the sort of choice that strikes me as an example of putting more weight on short-term performance and instant stockholder gratification, than developing a stable long-term business plan.
Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. Don't post in political threads. hmmm.... what new products are they going to offer with those special offers.
I doubt it has anything to do with outsourcing of IT or who they fired. They have been on thin ice for a while and the slowdown in the economy put in the final nail. CC was unable to find a way to compete with online which offers the same things for 20-35% less.
Best Buy bought the Geek Squad and gave people a reason to go to their store. Love em or hate em it was a very smart business decision. Stand outside your local BB for a while and look at how many people are carrying in or out their pc/laptops for repair. The beetles stay busy too with on site repairs and home theater setups. That's something online stores cant offer, sales and service.
Our Best Buy here now also contains a musicians store which was a brilliant way to capitalize on all those gamers enamored with Guitar Hero as well as instruments in general still being items that are more likely to be bought locally I think.
When I want DVDs or CDs I go to Best Buy. When I want parts for my Computer, I go to Frys. I could never really think of a reason to go to Circuit City.
This, in a nutshell, was their problem.
1/16/09 4:48 p.m.
Snowdoggie wrote:
When I want DVDs or CDs I go to Best Buy. When I want parts for my Computer, I go to Frys. I could never really think of a reason to go to Circuit City.
Exactly like that here. I've been to the local CC here a couple of times. Whenever I did, they had less variety in their stock, for a price that wasn't any better. And I received less knowledgeable service.
I don't care for BB much either, although occasionally they have good deals on something. I buy DVDs and pretty most anything else at Fry's. For videogames I go to GameStop, and I get CD's at Dimple (a local chain).
Dr. Hess wrote:
ignorant, did you grad-gee-ate with that MBA yet? You're part of the problem, then. They told you in school how great outsourcing IT is and you believed it because they said if you don't regurgitate this, you won't get this degree. Now you go get a job somewhere and tell them all how great outsourcing IT is. The idiots at the VP level believe you because you just came out of school, so you must have some good school-smarts and they do it. That, and there's this really smart sales guy that told them all how much money they will save doing that. And you help bring down the company because you truely have no clue how IT really works or the informational needs of your company. The VP-up levels that went along with the whole thing are stooopid and will make other similar mistakes until the company does a CC. Then they'll get jobs at the VP level with other companies because they have lots of experience.
l0lz... This is the funniest thing I've ever read.
Sorry MBA School gives you tools to evaluate situations from all angles..
To be honest Is fairly accurate as to curriculum of a typical B-school.
If you find a page on there that says.. OUTSOURCING IS GOOOD USE IT EVERYTIME ON EVERYTHING CAUSE IT IS GOOD.. I'll pay you $1000.
Now.. If want I could tell you some great stories about outsourcing components overseas or even insroucing(yes that right bringing a service or good IN house from a contractor).. but you probably don't want to hear such things because your mind is made up... Back to painting my bedroom.
The one place I really miss is Media Play. They had several in Denver and they have one in Houston. None in Dallas or Fort Worth. It's a combination of a Barnes and Noble with what Tower Records used to be. Books, Magazines, CDs and DVDs all in one place.
I do have to admit that most of my books now come from because most of the bookstores here just don't stock what I like to read. The automotive sections are usually limited to ten different NASCAR titles. CDs either come from the local used store or I bypass the format altogether and download whan I want on my I-pod.
This could have something to do with the problems retailers are having right now.
1/16/09 5:08 p.m.
Snowdoggie wrote:
I do have to admit that most of my books now come from because most of the bookstores here just don't stock what I like to read. The automotive sections are usually limited to ten different NASCAR titles. CDs either come from the local used store or I bypass the format altogether and download whan I want on my I-pod.
I've actually been buying books more from B&N lately. I usually only buy one book at a time, when I do, I want it that day. Tax on one book is much cheaper than shipping.
I buy more videogames on Amazon, than books. I usually get free shipping on those, their prices are a lot lower than GameStop, and I have enough other games that I can survive 3 days on what I have.
ignorant wrote:
Dr. Hess wrote:
ignorant, did you grad-gee-ate with that MBA yet? You're part of the problem, then. They told you in school how great outsourcing IT is and you believed it because they said if you don't regurgitate this, you won't get this degree. Now you go get a job somewhere and tell them all how great outsourcing IT is. The idiots at the VP level believe you because you just came out of school, so you must have some good school-smarts and they do it. That, and there's this really smart sales guy that told them all how much money they will save doing that. And you help bring down the company because you truely have no clue how IT really works or the informational needs of your company. The VP-up levels that went along with the whole thing are stooopid and will make other similar mistakes until the company does a CC. Then they'll get jobs at the VP level with other companies because they have lots of experience.
l0lz... This is the funniest thing I've ever read.
Sorry MBA School gives you tools to evaluate situations from all angles..
To be honest Is fairly accurate as to curriculum of a typical B-school.
If you find a page on there that says.. OUTSOURCING IS GOOOD USE IT EVERYTIME ON EVERYTHING CAUSE IT IS GOOD.. I'll pay you $1000.
Now.. If want I could tell you some great stories about outsourcing components overseas or even insroucing(yes that right bringing a service or good IN house from a contractor).. but you probably don't want to hear such things because your mind is made up... Back to painting my bedroom.
Many of the guys running companies today either don't have MBAs or are too old too remember much of what they learned in B school. American Business in general is more reactionary than strategic and thinking rarely goes past the next quarter's earnings. The stockholders want their profits NOW. What they teach in school this week may not even be a factor.
yes.. B school mostly is about strategic positioning of the company to provide consistent sustainable growth through innovation.
they also told me to outsource everything.. even my parents.
ignorant wrote:
yes.. B school mostly is about strategic positioning of the company to provide consistent sustainable growth through innovation.
they also told me to outsource everything.. even my parents.
You don't really to be an MBA to lay people off and cut departments to raise your stock price. You just have to be a tough SOB and not care what people are saying about you. Just skip the quantitive analysis and marketing courses and buy Jack Welch's book, or get a chainsaw.
Snowdoggie wrote:
ignorant wrote:
yes.. B school mostly is about strategic positioning of the company to provide consistent sustainable growth through innovation.
they also told me to outsource everything.. even my parents.
You don't really to be an MBA to lay people off and cut departments to raise your stock price. You just have to be a tough SOB and not care what people are saying about you. Just skip the quantitive analysis and marketing courses and buy Jack Welch's book, or get a chainsaw.
HA hahahahahaha
Sustained wealth is created by new ideas. So.. how effective would it be for a B school to teach you to implement old ideas.
Xceler8x wrote:
But hey, Don't let facts get in the way of Rush getting his sound bite in. But that's how he can afford to bribe doctors for vicodin and I'm stuck at home drinkin budweiser and arguing with you on the internet right?
Maybe it really is a question of talent. Rush has it and I don't. Back to my budweiser I guess. You want one?
Hi Xceler8X,
I don’t have anything to add nor do I see a need to support or oppose your position…I just wanted to thank you for the really funny & well written post.
Dr. Hess wrote:
Budweiser gives me a migrane. You wanna Heineken or a Hesselbrau?
As I said, the outsourcing is an indicator of failed upper management. They will screw up other areas too, like screwing their sales staff. Yeah, there's a bright idea. Let's screw the sales staff. We'll be sure to sell more stuff that way.
Bush isn't perfect. He showed some serious leadership flaws in not biatchslapping the D's and their media early on. Rush, while entertaining, has serious issues as well. His defense of oil company profits is just too much. He's a much a part of The Machine as the rest of Washington, just a little more open about some things.
Isn't it funny how we all come across as more extreme on the interwebs than we are in real life? 
I've worked in I.T. for more than a decade and I've seen the debacle that is out-sourcing. I worked on a team that was in-sourced. I've helped a guy manage a team of off-shored engineers who were developing a software product.
Off-shoring and out-sourcing has rarely turned out the way it was expected UNLESS the team was in the same building, same country, etc. In-sourcing has been successful from my experience. The good thing about in-sourcing is that the contractors are on site and can see that they can earn x wage for doing x work much like the current full time employees. I see that as a good thing. It has a leveling effect on salaries and knowledge exchange goes much better.
I have seen management "pushed" into using those three options out of a desperate need to save money, drive up the stock price. Usually it doesn't work as planned and therefore costs as much money with the cost of making the change to out-sourcing added on to the current money woes.
It wasn't that long ago that quite a well educated, newly minted finance folks were advocating this approach. A lot of people in I.T. was against it for operational reasons ("Those guys won't understand us and will not produce as well as we do.") as well as personal reasons ("We're going to lose jobs and not complete the project because management wants to save some $$.") It was infuriating to watch.
Hence I believe Dr. Hess's opinion. Being in the trenches, and not being listened to, is frustrating. All because you are dismissed by the people who think they know better because they're plan works on a spreadsheet. I've already addressed how CC ran out all the seasoned old heads who had a retail sales background for new guys who had experience managing various companies. The idea being that if you can manage a pharmaceutical company well you can manage a retail electronics chain well. A talented manager can manage anything right? Wrong. The egotism of some management types is not to be under estimated. The new guys at CC were not open to listening to people below them who had more practical experience with their core business. Much like Hess's example of out-sourcing I.T.
Hess, I'm using your name a lot here so correct me on any point I'm missing or misconstruing.
How about CC sucked and was over priced in the first place. BB is marginaly better, but i find the color scheme at BB beter than CC, thus making it more appealing...
I wonder if I still have to pay back the money I borrowed from them interest-free for my new tv earlier this year while my money sits in the bank still earning interest? 
I was going to make the same point. CC's floorplan and color scheme seemed a bit dark and... cavernous. There always seemed to be lots of little rooms and niches off to the side; weird uses of space in the modern retail sector. As you said, BB is only moderately better, but I suppose every little bit counts. More importantly, I bet, Best Buy seemed to be in better locations. They are usually off of major thoroughfares, while CC seems to frequently be off of business parkways.
1/17/09 4:39 p.m.
I say screw 'em. They canned all of their high-paid/experienced salespeople a couple of years ago and replaced them w/ lower-paid, less-experienced ones (but they could apply for their old jobs at a lower pay rate).
Since then I've shopped there once (and ended up getting my mp3 player for $85 instead of $130 because it was mismarked).
Having been through a liquidation once, I feel for those people losing their jobs, but I see all this a karma pwning CC as a company. I'm thinking those people who got canned a couple of years ago are delighted with this news.
Now, Fry Electronics, although I haven't been in one for a while, (none around here,) that place was great.
Xceler8x, that about sums it up. As I have said before, databases buy me Lotus parts. Doctorin' ain't all it's cracked up to be and I like databases just fine. No stress, either. Misspell a table in your SQL and you get a syntax error. Nobody dies. No one calls you at 3AM saying Mr. Jones had a bowel movement but it all didn't come out and is it OK if they give him a laxative.
Anyway, AMF, CC. Oh yeah, I also work for "a major outsouricng company" with a large "off-shore" segment, who planned on firing me 3 years ago as part of their business model. So, I kinda know this whole outsourcing IT thing from the inside.
I'm pretty sure that no one else is outsourcing IT these days. We need to keep an eye out, though, because as I said, any company that does is sure to fail due to mis-management. So we just short the stock of whoever announces a big outsourcing IT contract.