To Dumfries VA.
I could never afford to move out of my parents place right now, but my friend's buying a house, and he wants a room-mate.
Of course, the first thing going through my mind is "4 bedroom house? With only two bedrooms occupied? Time for an indoor shooting range!"
I'm looking at air pistols already to complement my Daisy 840.
There's also a 2-car garage, which means for the first time in my life, I'm going to be able to park my car in a garage.
I'm a little excited.
you should be thinking, How can I rent out those other two rooms.
I did the same thing, moved out from my rents when a friend needed a roommate at the brand new townhouse he bought.
Its nice and all, but in the end he still is the homeowner and you are just paying rent. I am just assuming your rent payment will be much more than whatever it costs to live with your folks, so in the end, just dragging out how much longer it will be until you can buy your own place if thats what you want in the end.
It can be pretty fun though.
Ignorant makes a good point, have any other friends looking to move? hah.
i moved out of my friends place a year ago, moved in with my fiance at her 'rents to save and are now in the middle of looking for our own house further south in VA to get a lot for our money. have pets, need the big yard.
9/12/10 7:47 p.m.
Ignorant and Failboat are right.
But so are you. At some point, you have to throw away what makes the best financial sense and realize you need to move away from your parents. I honestly think that if I had to stay at home for college I would have had to move out for my own mental health. At some point its time to not be on their watch. And living with a friend as a landlord is often times a lot better than living with mom and dad as a landlord.
They're combining the towns of Dumfries and Manassas Virginia...
Gonna call it "Dumasses"
(regional humor us MD types find funny)
9/12/10 10:42 p.m.
mtn wrote:
Ignorant and Failboat are right.
But so are you. At some point, you have to throw away what makes the best financial sense and realize you need to move away from your parents. I honestly think that if I had to stay at home for college I would have had to move out for my own mental health. At some point its time to not be on their watch. And living with a friend as a landlord is often times a lot better than living with mom and dad as a landlord.
The year after college where I lived with my parents was utter misery. We were all ready to kill each other. I don't know how some people live w/ their parents 'til 27-28.
Sounds like you're in for a blast. 
Well, the rent I'll be paying him compared to rent I pay my parents isn't much more. AND my car insurance will go down.
Yes it's going to cost more. But not a whole lot more.
It is a tide-over, I do want to live by myself eventually, but we get along very well, and this is waaaay better than what I have now.
Not that I don't get along with my parents, but after 24 years, I'm long past ready for a change.
I only glanced at the replies, but there is nothing cool about living with your parents once you've graduated high school. Nothing.
And I've got really freaking cool parents.
Hehe. Didn't say it was cool, but I'm a practical person. Even paying rent, living at home is a lot cheaper, and I had to prioritize getting my E36 M3 together over getting to live on my own.
z31maniac wrote:
I only glanced at the replies, but there is nothing cool about living with your parents once you've graduated high school. Nothing.
And I've got really freaking cool parents.
I spent three years after high school living with the 'rents. This helped me get through college, and I only had 14 grand in loans and debt.
The fourth year was too much, and I moved in with some friends.
I live in my mom's second house (grandmother's old house), just across town from where she lives. I practically grew up here as a second house to me. My wife and I pay all of the utilities and a toke $100 rent (covers most of the taxes). We want to get out. We can't stand living with rules like "You can't paint the kitchen THAT color!" and "You need to mow the lawn and get that car out of the driveway, it makes the house look bad!" I see it as a theft deterrent. No one messes with my stuff since I planted "redneck" stuff in the yard, but the neighbors have stuff messed with all the time.
Do what it takes to keep sane. If that's working your butt off so you can afford to live on your own, then do it. That way, you can be proud that you've worked towards something that makes you happy.
9/13/10 7:07 a.m.
Derick Freese wrote:
I live in my mom's second house (grandmother's old house), just across town from where she lives.
Do what it takes to keep sane. If that's working your butt off so you can afford to live on your own, then do it. That way, you can be proud that you've worked towards something that makes you happy.
I personally think that this would be awesome in my case. I love being with my parents, its the living with them I can't stand. It helps that we share the same viewpoint on most things.
Its kind of funny, my dad and I were ready to kill each other. About halfway through senior year of high school, the tides turned. Now he's probably my best friend aside from my girlfriend.
motomoron wrote:
They're combining the towns of Dumfries and Manassas Virginia...
Gonna call it "Dumasses"
(regional humor us MD types find funny)
(I only work in Dumfries, so maybe I don't fit in?)
Welcome to Dumfries! Remember the Dumfries cafe doesn't take credit cards, and never rob the Montclair family restaurant (I don't know if there's ever fewer than 2 cop cars there!)
3Door4G wrote:
we get along very well
That may change while living together, especially if you're paying him rent.
But I have high hopes. We're both introverted, hate loud people, etc. He said he asked me to move in over his own sister.
It's going to be two of us in a 4 bedroom house, so we'll have plenty of space when we need it. I can't think of anyone i'd rather share living space with.
Except, of course, me, myself, and I.
On that note, anyone have a recommendation for a cheap, reliable air pistol? Sub-400 fps is a plus, I plan on shooting it inside.
I hadn't heard the dumasses joke before, despite having grown up in MD. But Man asses, I mean Manassas, has been the butt of our private jokes for years. That and Lynchburg.
I used to live in Manassas for a few years.
With all the other Manshiny happy people.
edit:aww grm served me. decode it yourself.
Definitely decoded it. I'll probably refrain from calling them that to their face.
z31maniac wrote:
I only glanced at the replies, but there is nothing cool about living with your parents once you've graduated high school. Nothing.
And I've got really freaking cool parents.
From a parent's perspective, its true the other way around too.
ReverendDexter wrote:
3Door4G wrote:
we get along very well
That may change while living together, especially if you're paying him rent.
The end usually starts with someone eating someone else's food. Or one is a nasty slob.
In this case we're both clean people. Considerate people too.
I've turned down a few prospective room-mates before, I'm as picky as they come
3Door4G wrote:
Yes it's going to cost more. But not a whole lot more.
The emotional cost will be significantly lower. ;)
96DXCivic wrote:
Crosley Air Mag.
I looked up this gun and didn't find anything. Did you mean Crosman Air Mag?
3Door4G wrote:
96DXCivic wrote:
Crosley Air Mag.
I looked up this gun and didn't find anything. Did you mean Crosman Air Mag?
Yeah my bad. brain fart. It is cheap and it is as good as any gun under $100.