10/6/19 9:55 p.m.
My uncle passed away this morning. On his own terms, thanks to the medically assisted dying laws we have now.
One of the toughest guys I've ever met. Long haul trucker and ex rodeo saddle bronc rider. Walked with a limp, thanks to the rodeo.
For those of you who don't know Saddle Bronc isn't like bull riding. Bull riders have rigging to hang on to while a bunch of angry hamburger-to-be tries to kill them.
Saddle Bronc riders get a single rein attached to the halter and a saddle, their other hand is free. They have to stay on the horse and spur the horse and if they touch the horse or themselves with their free hand, they're disqualified.
Tougher and crazier than I'll ever be. He'll be missed.
I'm sorry for your loss. Obviously a tough guy, and I'm glad to hear that he was able to retain some control at the end.
Sorry for you loss. I had some great uncles, but no bronc busters. All are gone now.
In reply to ShawnG :
The world needs more cowboys like your uncle, adds balance. Sounds like you learned some things from him to teach others. Sorry to hear it.
10/7/19 8:10 a.m.
Wow, I'm sorry for your loss, Shawn. My thoughts are with your family.
I had a buddy who used to ride saddle bronc. That stuff there is no joke.
I gotta bottle of "the good stuff" back at the house. I'll pour one for your uncle.
Sorry to hear but glad he was able to go his way. I've seen some horrible ends to life.
I loved watching cowboys like your uncle at the rodeo every year. I'm sorry he's gone.