Had to put my cat, Weezer to sleep today...Her liver failed, and she stopped eating, and worsened to the point that the only thing I could do for my little friend was let her go.
Seriously one of the coolest cats you could meet. Loved alot of people over at the house, not scared of anything, all my friends who said they were not cat people would always make an exception for her. More heart, soul, piss and vinegar in that little 7 pound body than most people Ive ever met.
Aw! So sorry to hear that.
That is the coolest thing Ive heard on a rather bleak day! She was black, with a white chest, if there is one that fits...
Thank you! I would love to see pics of the new Weezer when you get a chance...
Where are you located, by the way? Maybe a road trip will be in order...
New Reader
8/18/08 7:59 p.m.
That sucks. My Doberman just died the other weekend, also of liver failure. I'll get some pics up soon. Maybe it will help me with dealing with it if I get to share her antics a bit...
Sorry for your loss.
Dobermans are great. Im sure it will help to tell some stories.
Ill start: The first time my friend Matt met Weezer she slapped him on the way by as she lept over him. She made a cat person out of him right there...
My cat had liver problems twice. The first time the at 4 years old vet told me he was fat and had "fatty liver" my cat only weigh 31lbs. the 2nd time they said flat out his liver was failling. at this point in time he weigh about 29-27lbs. He kept on trucking for two more months. he would not eat on his own but if I put baby food on my finger and put a dab on his nose he would eat after that by. pretty much after that I kept feeding him untell the day he past away. He live to be 8 years old. Ike was and is still the best cat I ever had. Sorry for you lost.
Datsun1500 wrote:
My cat is a tabby, so far he 1st 3 are orange, 4th one is coming now... Looks black....
I'm in Maryland
Cant wait to see a picture...
PS, My wife keeps bugging me for a pic, to!
Man, I'm sorry to hear that. I'd hate to think of losing Binky.
Jensenman wrote:
Man, I'm sorry to hear that. I'd hate to think of losing Binky.
It sucks...She never breathed well, hence the name, Weezer. I figured she would make it a little longer, though. She was only 6 or so.
between my mom and I we have 4 cats.
i would be crushed to loose one.
sorry for your loss
New Reader
8/18/08 9:34 p.m.
Sorry for your loss, Joey.
My first b/w tuxedo, Spitz, lived til he was 8 yrs old and also had liver problems. Lost him last year. Ughh.............
He weighed over 30lbs; a most affectionate cat that craved attention. His favorite position was on his back, waiting for a good belly rub - he got em, too!
I have another now, adopted when my neighbor unexpectedly passed away. He's a mini-me version of Spitz and I'm glad to be his de facto godfather.
You can never replace Weezer, but be happy that there's another one out there waiting to be your best pal.
I'm sorry to hear that, I cryed a little for your cat
I'll toast one to weezer tonight. I've been pacing a dish of food out on our patio for a little calico. She seems sweet, but she leans to one side. Her head is always cocked to the side and she seems to have trouble tracking with her eyes. So she seems to starving. After I gave her some food she turned around nd looked at me as if to thank me, then she curled up in our flower beds. My indoor cat isn't sure what to make of the interloper outside, but I'll deal with that over time as the stray needs to warm up to us a bit first .
We dump every emotion—positive and negative—we can muster onto our animal companions, and all they give us in return is unconditional love. If they ever figure out they're getting the short end of the stick, we're screwed. We're honored as a species that they should lower themselves to spend time with us.
You've lost a good friend. We send our deepest sympathies. Honor her memory by always caring for our four-legged, winged, finned, scaled and shelled companions.
8/19/08 12:09 a.m.
Willie and Billie asked me to send this to you. We will share some Cat Chow and Kitty Litter in his memory.

8/19/08 12:17 a.m.
I feel like I lost my dog. I am away at college for the first time. Shelby is 11, and for about the past 9 years she has slept right next to my bed. Now I reach down in the middle of the night and wake up when I don't feel fur. For some reason or another, she became mom's dog first, my dog second, and then my two brothers and dads. I think it is because we were the ones who fed her everyday.
She has bad hips and needed to be carried up the stairs, and would only trust my mom and I to do it. But mom is not strong enough. My parents say that the past few nights she hasn't let my dad do it until she whines at the bottom of the stairs at 1AM, deciding I won't come home. And then she goes into my room, looks at my dad like there is something wrong, and then lays down right outside my door.
I can deal with not seeing my parents; I can talk to them on the phone. But Shelby can't verbally express herself; at least not into a phone.
I am very sorry for your loss, and happy for a place to express my sorrows as well.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a family friend like that is tough. I still tear up like a baby when I think of Dude (~18 year old cat we adopted for 2 months before he passed). I don't think I'd be able to live if either of my current cats passed away (Nibbler at 2.5 and Einstein 5) who have been a huge part of my life for 2 years. (And are, no joke, napping next to me as I type this).
We shall share a moment for Weezer. RIP little buddy!
Guys, this is really great. I never expected this outpouring of sympathy. Some people dont realize how important a pet can be. Im glad all you folks do.
Neon, Ive cried alot today, thanks for caring about my cat.
Fiat, I drank one for her to, as I have a feeling if she was human, she would have been a bit of a drinker!
JG, Its true, even before, when I would stop to help a turtle out of the road, or save a spider in the house, I always felt like her soul would have appreciated it, (Even if her feline form would have tried to run it down like a jungle cat!)
Hasbro, Tell Willie and Billie they are the new background on my computer!
Mtn, Weezer still lived at home with my parents and a good friend of mine who lives there (only about 4 blocks away). She stayed with my folks when I moved out, as I knew she belonged there, where there would be a constant stream of people. Shes not like most cats, and gets lonely, needs people around. It was hard to leave her behind, but I knew it was best.
Ignorant and Margie, thanks for caring.
Chknhwk, what was your Dobies name?
Volksroddin, There seems to be alot of liver problems with cats. I wonder if its a diet problem. What did you feed yours?
Apexcarver, it does make it a bit easier, as we have to other cats to keep me occupied, and I do have a 7 week old nephew, Max, and a friend has a 3 month old Beagle pup, so all those things make it a bit easier.
Oldsaw, I guess she was a tuxedo, she had very black fur, that in the sunlight turned redish brown, with a little white patch on her neck. Maybe she was a priest! Her eyes also turned yellow and green with a camera flash. I always called them Lotus Eyes...
Thanks for the kind words, all. It makes it much better.
P71, sorry to leave you out! You posted as I was typing. I would say she was more than a family friend, she was family of my own choosing...
Take care of Nibbler and Einstein...I wonder how they got those names?
Einstein is ALL gray and is currently plotting the demise of the world. He is the smartest and most laid-back cat ever. He also LOVES car rides. We call him Gray Stig when he hangs out with us in the garage. It's funny, the only car he's ever sat on was a gray POS parts car that nearly matched his color. He's never even gotten close to jumping on another car!
Nibbler is a 12-Lb ball of furry fury. She's a Maine Coon Cat (I think that's what it is) and is VERY fluffy! She has the most "bubbly" personality I've ever seen. She literally bounces around the house. She also is the definition of "bright eyed and bushy tailed".
Both came from our local Humane Society and are very happy with us. They get to play outside and have plenty of other neighborhood cats that they hang out with.
8/19/08 1:31 a.m.
Sorry to hear about Weezer, Joey.
What's funny, is while I was reading this thread, Lily jumped onto my lap. She's an extremely intelligent and very vocal cat, but this is the first time she's jumped on my lap!
I had the camera at hand, so here's a photo: 
8/19/08 6:06 a.m.
Not a cat person, but I do appreciate them. Whenever you're feeling down, click on over to LOLcats.
8/19/08 10:31 a.m.
My heart goes out to you - I've been through that myself with Wiggy - 17 and Datsun - 19.
My current siamese, Spyder almost died after ingesting some thread a couple of years ago. Perforated his intestines in three places. $2300 and a miracle later, he's still with me.
Wasn't feeling good last night - hit the hay early and was dead to the world at 8:00. I woke up this morning to find Spydey's toy "cricket" on my pillow, and several rose petals from the pot pourri downstairs, all over the bed. Can you picture that little varmint carrying those petals upstairs one by one?
I'll hug Spydey extra hard tonight for Weezer.
I'm sorry also for your loss. I know what you're going though as we had to have my dog of 16 years put down just last week. It's a very difficult thing to go through.