4/18/15 7:57 a.m.
At about 1 am Saturday I lost my dad to, essentially, Multiple Sclerosis. He's had MS for a long time, 25 or so years. It was the progressive-regenerative type, meaning he would stay at about the same state, health-wise, then take a sudden turn, and basically stay at the lower level, then some time later make a turn again, and so on. So, he died very slowly over the course of many years.
He was a gear head, and is what fueled my interest in cars. My fondest memories were 'helping' him fix whatever brand of Mopar we owned at the time. He told me stories about swapping a trans in a Corvair in a suit because it broke down on him and my mom in the middle of Texas. He was a good man, working his butt off to provide for his wife and 5 kids with no complaints.
I don't really have much else to say, my head is kinda swimming right now. But I wanted to take this opportunity to express my deepest, most sincere thanks to folks that give of their time to help charities that are fighting for cures for various illnesses. Closest to my heart are those that fund MS research for obvious reasons. When you're out there giving of your time and energy know that you are making a difference is someone's life.
All the advances that are happening in the fight against MS were too late for my dad, but there's someone else's dad that will be around longer for it.
I am so sorry, that must have been a terrible death to experience and witness.. He can only be in a better place now
Sorry to hear about your loss. Sounds like an exemplary man.
My thoughts are with you.
Very sorry, Doc. I lost my dad 14 years ago, but I still talk to him all the time. Especially when I'm in the middle of some kind of project and I'm stuck.
4/18/15 8:27 a.m.
Condolences from up North.
My dad went 21 years ago. He was a massive gear head and I got the bug from him. He was perpetually working on a 38 Chev Coupe that he had.
Sorry to hear about this.
Sad to hear, hope your grief is short and your happy memories of him overshadow any sadness. I have two young friends recently diagnosed with MS unfortunately. Giving a donation to the MS society in his memory and in their hope.
I can't even imagine.
My heart felt condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.
I'm sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family
so sorry to hear … thoughts and prayers for you and your family
4/18/15 9:31 a.m.
My sincere condolences, DrB. I lost my dad almost 17 years ago, and my older sister has fairly advanced MS. I know something about what it's like. The best I can say is that he's no longer struggling, and that grief gives way to remembrance. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Damn, sorry to hear that man 
4/18/15 9:49 a.m.
Sorry to hear this. My condolences to you and your family.
Very sorry to hear, Dr. Boost. My deepest condolences.
Condolences. Today is not a great day here either. Lost a very good friend to Alzheimer's this morning. 
I'm sorry to hear of your loss as well. Like you, my dad ignited my gearheadedness.
4/18/15 12:26 p.m.
My supply of words contains no combination of words which will help fill the void from such a passing. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.
Salute to DrBoost's dad, Godspeed.
Ian F
4/18/15 1:36 p.m.
My deepest condolences, Dr Boost. 
4/18/15 2:09 p.m.
I'm so sorry to hear.
My older brother was diagnosed just over a year ago.
It's been really progressive, but we remain hopeful.
He was my inspiration as a kid, for getting into cars.
Sorry for your loss, Doc. My little sister (she'll always be that) has MS, too. I'm not looking forward to what may come. MS research is my preferred donation for that reason.My condolences.
My condolences for the loss of your Dad.
I lost my Dad about 8 years ago to essentially the same medical issue, I understand how this long and lingering illness can affect the family, lmk if you want to chat about this.
My heart goes out to you and yours.