Get a call from my mom today while I'm at work. My 87 year old great aunt fell last night and was on the floor from 1AM-11AM. She's in the hospital now, doing ok, but it is another stumble that is bringing her closer to the end.
After I get home from work, I am on my way to the library to do some studying for an exam I'm going to be taking. Since it is super hot, I stop at the CVS to get some gatorade. I come back and some bikers inform me that the SUV I was parked behind (parallel parked) backed into my Miata and drove off. They did not get the license plate. Scratches, mostly will be able to buff out, but still enough to royally piss me off. CVS did not have any camera's that would have seen it, I'm in the process of calling other area businesses (most were closed) to see if any of them do.
I think I'm gonna call it quits at the library without getting anything done except this post. There is a bluegrass concert starting on the quad in about an hour. See if I can't chat it up with the band setting up, they're sure to have some cool equipment.