I bought a new dewalt recipercating saw JUST to cut up my 900. Last night I got the engine/trans out of it.. after removing all the bolt ons (such as the radiator support and driveshafts) I went to town with the blade.
Made short work of the engine mounts, shift linkage, front body rail under the radiator, and everything else that got in the way.
Engine and trans are now on the garage floor.. waiting for me to get them out of the way and seperated. Next is the rear suspension, and the bits around the handbrake that I might need for the late model suspension to just bolt in
They are the BEST for cutting up cars! Way faster then a torch. A torch is useful for some tight areas though. I use mine to cut small pieces of metal sometimes just because it is SO much faster then a hacksaw.
I sometimes call mine the "tool of mass destruction".
A friend of mine once used a recip saw to cut up a Jeep Cherokee and put it out in the trash where it belonged.
I got an entire Volkswagen into the dumpster at work with my Sawzall.
8/1/11 11:27 a.m.

I got a Mustang II to fit on a 4'x8' trailer.
I have never chopped a car to bits with one but I have torn down entire buildings with one. There is nothing quite as satisfying as the crack just before the whole thing comes crashing down.
Psshtt, I fit a Corvette into a dumpster with mine....
I fit a Cadillac in a doghouse....but that was with astroglide......
I got a 924 into the back of my 1/2-ton Chevy pickup & it fit inside the topper.
"...And I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper."
I cut a piece of 1/2" gas pipe last night.
(OK, not really exciting I know)
8/1/11 3:08 p.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
RossD wrote:
I got a Mustang II to fit on a 4'x8' trailer.
Not exactly a feat.
Love my DeWalt.
Yeah, mother nature did help out a lot since that car was 'terminal'. 
pinchvalve wrote:
I cut a piece of 1/2" gas pipe last night.
(OK, not really exciting I know)
That depends. Was it a live pipe? 
i got an entire suzuki swift into another suzuki swift.
I cut up an entire VW Scriocco and hauled it away using my Contour. The largest piece fit inside my trunk!
I've cut a few cars up, but I've never tried to fit them anywhere specific. The trailer I use to haul scrap is a 5 foot wide lawn trailer, so I have to make most cars skinnier to get them to fit. I normally take the glass out, cut the roof off as low on the pillars I can, make a cut to separate front from rear, and if I need to, make cuts to quarter up the car. I had a Honda Accord and a half on a 5x12 trailer. I think I had about 50 computer case shells in that load, too.
Cut up '85 XJ shell, fit all into 8' bed
i used mine to put an entire 82 F250 body in the box of the new body i put on it's old frame, and it wasn't even up to the level of the top of the box.
Finally, a video game I can enjoy...
I can play Sawzall Hero acoustic.

I bought a reciprocating saw earlier this year. It quickly became one of my favorite tools, right up there with my Dremel and Multiplier.