OK, so I do have two reasons for this post. One is about just enjoying finding good food trucks and the second is going to be a plug for a friend of mine who does run one and is in a contest.
In my hunt for better and more convenient eats I have been turning to local places like mom and pop places, and food trucks. Here in Phoenix we do have quite a few, and even the local farmer's markets are promoting the gathering of trucks when they have their regular openings during the week and weekends. I have sampled Creme Brulee', tacos (of course), other mexican foods, burgers, hot dogs, and crepes. Just wondering what you guys out there have also found, if the trucks are starting to grow in popularity where ever you guys are at as well.
Now for my plug (and this does not float on water), I have been trying to help my friend with his food truck, designing interior stuff and getting him hooked up with an upholsterer. So I do have a bit of a hand in it, and hey, it is a truck so still prone for some sort of modification. So if you want to see their regular site it is http://www.truckingoodfood.com and they are primarily french food, mostly crepes but with an expanding menu.
Now this being said, they have been nominated in the voting to go on The Food Truck Challange show on Food Network, but they have to be voted on. So if anyone wants to help, the link is here- http://foodtrucks.teamdigital.com/?vty=foodtrucks#page_top and just look under the alphabetical area for Truckin good food.
Thanks in advance if you decide to vote.
That is very cool; I love the menu. Duck fat fries are on my long menu of food items to try. Voted.
Fun show to watch.
And watching- it looks like the biggest challenge for the truck is to have a layout that allows 3 people to work at once.
I'll check the website out over lunch... Make me more hungry and whatnot.
Good luck to your friend.
there are a few slow cook BBQ trucks near me - one in particular is called "Jus' Smokin' HillbillyBBQ". Its delicious, and is always parked at one of 6 or 7 places - different spot each day. The brisket is to die for, but there is a small voice in the back of my head that always tells me to suspect the sanitation of a Fedex truck with a BBQ smoker being towed behind it.
8/31/10 2:30 p.m.
Sanitation is optional when talking about delicious food. It's the same as the inverse proportion of chinese take out. The sketchier the place, the more delicious the food. It's not theory, it's science. Delicious delicious science.
There's a food truck in or little hick town called A taste of Latin. They're from Nicaragua, and cater mostly to the farm workers up from Mexico. It has caught on with some of the locals, but not many. Everything is good, and they've recently started serving full dinners on Thursday, and Friday nights. I could eat their enchiladas until I explode.
I love this show, glad to see that there looks to be a second season. I voted for your friend so good luck to him. I looked at his menu and one item caught my eye.
people's choice
peanut butter, Nutella & banana *add crispy bacon
That sammich sounds so delicious it's scary. 
Thank you guys for helping out, I get the benefit of him sticking around and coming up with new items. There are plenty of things he keeps adding that are not on the website, and most of what he puts in the food comes from other vendors or sources here locally, locals helping locals.
My favorite is the Papa K, it is ham, local habenaro bbq sauce and pepper jack cheese if I want savory.
My favorite sweet one is Pastry cream, with fruit and slivered almonds
And the only food trucks I see near me are rolling food poisoning factories. Food safety is less common than dog on the menu.
Jeff and Erin (the owners) do all their prep in local places and then load up the truck for the markets. They can get a license to to it in the truck, but it is $$ to do so.
A taco truck in Eagle Rock, CA has some of the best tacos I've ever had anywhere. I look forward to it being there when I visit.