Spinout007 wrote:
sachilles wrote:
Spinout007 wrote:
Tons and tons of storyline, I spent a good year or so hunting down the books, and reading them. takes me all of 5 hours or so to read a 300 pg novel.
Care to share in 50 words or less?
Nope, that would give away to many plot points and I don't think it can be done!
Sure it can, at least for all the crappy ones.
"The original trilogy story line with minor detail difference, repeat ad naseum. And at the end, Zerg."

11/2/12 12:15 p.m.

Kenny_McCormic wrote:
ansonivan wrote:
So what will George Lucas do now aside from the obvious "whatever he damn well wants"
Well, he is still the God of Flannel.
Don't let Al Borland hear you!
11/2/12 12:23 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
"The original trilogy story line with minor detail difference, repeat ad naseum. And at the end, Zerg."
Killiks? or Yuuzhan Vong?
PHeller wrote:
Javelin wrote:
"The original trilogy story line with minor detail difference, repeat ad naseum. And at the end, Zerg."
Killiks? or Yuuzhan Vong?
Second one. More Tyranid then Zerg, but more people know Zerg.

And Disney has had Star Wars and Indiana Jones crap at their theme parks for years. This comes as no surprise to me.
And to think I thought Avatar Land was a bad idea. That Spaceship Deathstar (patent pending) is crazy.
Derick Freese wrote:
A good old fashioned story about the crew of a smuggling ship, living life on the run...always moving from one job to the next. That sounds pretty good.

We might even try to work in a sub-plot about a brother and sister, and give one of them really powerful supernatural abilities.
[Yes, I know leah had some minor abilities, too.]
Derick Freese wrote:
And to think I thought Avatar Land was a bad idea. That Spaceship Deathstar (patent pending) is crazy.
Disney fans have been protesting Avatar Land, but when the purchase happened, a lot of them liked the idea of a Star Wars Land instead.
JoeyM wrote:
Derick Freese wrote:
A good old fashioned story about the crew of a smuggling ship, living life on the run...always moving from one job to the next. That sounds pretty good.
We might even try to work in a sub-plot about a brother and sister, and give one of them really powerful supernatural abilities.
[Yes, I know leah had some minor abilities, too.]
Well, Disney DOES have Joss on board...
White_and_Nerdy wrote:
JoeyM wrote:
Derick Freese wrote:
A good old fashioned story about the crew of a smuggling ship, living life on the run...always moving from one job to the next. That sounds pretty good.
We might even try to work in a sub-plot about a brother and sister, and give one of them really powerful supernatural abilities.
[Yes, I know leah had some minor abilities, too.]
Well, Disney DOES have Joss on board...
But Joss did say he's done with Firefly, so maybe Star Wars could use his input.
How to make that money back in a flash: release the original three, ''digitally unremastered,'' for 29.99 each on bluray. If anyone scoffs at the price, threaten to put them back in the vault.
In reply to Mitchell:
If it's ready for Xmas this year I'd be so there with my credit card.
Han shot first motherberkeleyers.