This thread reminded me of the day where I took my dad's lunch to school and he took mine to work.
What's a 4th grader gonna do with a pack of smokes instead of some kid-friendly cookies???
I can't imagine what sort of problem/alarms/whatever this type of situation would raise in today's schools. Back then, I just put the smokes in my jacket, took em home, gave them to my jittery dad.......
A older friend of mine always tells us of how when he went to school he would get in trouble for NOT having a pocket knife. After all how else would he be able to sharpen his pencil. Back then it was a tool, now its a weapon. Actually Im sure it was a weapon back then too but there might have been just a little more common sense beaten, er knocked, uh I mean instilled into children those days.
I am 44 years old. I carried a swiss army knife to school. When I started driving I would take my shotgun to school and go hunting or target shooting after school. I could also eat what I wanted, or mom sent.
2/16/12 1:39 p.m.
Otto Maddox wrote:
Bill O'Reilly thinks this whole situation is Obama's fault.
O'Reilly is wrong but Obama is of a mindset that this kind of intrusion is justified and necessary.
That's not to say the program is not warranted, just that this is another example of a bureaucracy run amok because administration staff is likely bound by inane rules and critical thinking is discouraged.
2/16/12 1:42 p.m.
aircooled wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
Funny how a lot of people on this thread are rightfully concerned about putting a Republican theocrat in the White House, but are relatively OK with an administration that actively promotes the "lunch police".
I agree. I am also a bit bemused by people in this thread who are rightfully concerned about an overly intrusive government yet are relatively OK with voting in an administration that would actively promote their theologically based "moral police".
Pot, kettle, fence, grass....
You'll be hard-pressed to find (m)any of "those" supporters on this thread - or many others of similar ilk.
I like the pocket knife discussion better.
Somehow this story has turned into a Obama promotes the lunch police discussion. Not everything that happens in this country comes directly from Obama's hand. He is president, not God.
2/16/12 1:57 p.m.
I really don't care who is responsible for it, and I'm not here trying to assign blame, but the fact that my tax dollars are used to pay someone a good salary to inspect a 4 year old's sack lunch makes my blood boil.
Glad we've solved all of our country's big problems so we can start paying more attention to things like this. 
In reply to dinger:
I wonder if that is someone's full time job. I'd be 300 lbs if it was me. You know, "these twinkies is bad, I am taking them as evidence."
Otto Maddox wrote:
I like the pocket knife discussion better.
Somehow this story has turned into a Obama promotes the lunch police discussion. Not everything that happens in this country comes directly from Obama's hand. He is president, not God.
Sounds like my FIL. he actually told me that Obama is going to ban top load washing machines. 
BBsGarage wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
I like the pocket knife discussion better.
Somehow this story has turned into a Obama promotes the lunch police discussion. Not everything that happens in this country comes directly from Obama's hand. He is president, not God.
Sounds like my FIL. he actually told me that Obama is going to ban top load washing machines.
I swear i will move to Canada if that E36 M3 happens. You ever lived with a front-load washing machine? berkeley those things.
In reply to 92CelicaHalfTrac:
He probably means the old kind. They make top load high efficiency models now. I am still not convinced they are as good as the old kind.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
BBsGarage wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
I like the pocket knife discussion better.
Somehow this story has turned into a Obama promotes the lunch police discussion. Not everything that happens in this country comes directly from Obama's hand. He is president, not God.
Sounds like my FIL. he actually told me that Obama is going to ban top load washing machines.
I swear i will move to Canada if that E36 M3 happens. You ever lived with a front-load washing machine? berkeley those things.
What's up with new dryers anyways? I swear they don't work as well as they used to, or the bearings wear out way too quickly.
What are the good companies to buy from for these appliances these days?
Otto Maddox wrote:
I like the pocket knife discussion better.
Somehow this story has turned into a Obama promotes the lunch police discussion. Not everything that happens in this country comes directly from Obama's hand. He is president, not God.
Has anyone told HIM that yet? 
Bobzilla wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
I like the pocket knife discussion better.
Somehow this story has turned into a Obama promotes the lunch police discussion. Not everything that happens in this country comes directly from Obama's hand. He is president, not God.
Has anyone told HIM that yet?
Bob, what washer and dryer do you have? Do they work well?
OLD, and not really. We heard O was going to give everyone new washer and dryers so we've kept our old ones until then.
Bobzilla wrote:
OLD, and not really. We heard O was going to give everyone new washer and dryers so we've kept our old ones until then.
Thanks for the anecdote, i'll be sure to not vote for him as punishment.
Bobzilla wrote:
OLD, and not really. We heard O was going to give everyone new washer and dryers so we've kept our old ones until then.
I think that is the "Cash for Cleaners" program
pilotbraden wrote:
Bobzilla wrote:
OLD, and not really. We heard O was going to give everyone new washer and dryers so we've kept our old ones until then.
I think that is the "Cash for Cleaners" program
Your tax dollars hard at work! Can't wait to turn in my old double stacker! Wonder how they'll dispose of them.
yep... but every old one must sit in a lot in a corner until it has been properly destroyed. I heard they will mandate 2 bricks per dryer, 3 per washer.
2/16/12 2:54 p.m.
Sky_Render wrote:
Salanis wrote:
Yeah, I think teachers have a responsibility to be sure their students are eating healthily.
Why? That is the parents' responsibility, not yours.
...Clearly, you have never been a teacher.
But seriously, teachers care about their students and the well-being of their students. Teachers being responsible and parents being responsible are not mutually exclusive. You want your kid being taught by someone who doesn't give a E36 M3 about them? There are some parents out there who seem to not care, not be able to be bothered, and/or not be sufficiently informed.
Salanis wrote:
...Clearly, you have never been a teacher.
and it's obvious you haven't either.
teachers have about 15,000 OTHER things they have to take care of. Checking someone's lunch IS NOT ONE. This is retarded. Beyond retarded. This is so retarded it makes Rain Man look like friggin Van Wilder.