Colbert Was Right
In urban areas, cyclists need to watch out for cars. But in more rural places, there are other dangers. 57-year-old Jim Litz, a science teacher in Missoula, Montana, learned this when he t-boned a black bear while riding his bike to work. Read on for the details.
“I was lucky. I was truly lucky"
He was traveling about 25 mph when he came upon a rise and spotted a black bear about 10 feet in front of him. “I didn't have time to respond. I never even hit my brakes,” Litz said.
He tumbled over his handlebars, planting his helmeted head on the bruin's back, and man and beast went cartwheeling down the road. The bear rolled over Litz's head, and its mass cracked his helmet. As the duo toppled over one another, the bear clawed at Litz's cycling jacket, scratching his flesh from shoulder to buttocks before scampering up a hill above the road, where it stopped and whined.
Litz's wife drove by soon after and took her husband to Community Medical Center, and he immediately called Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to report the unusual collision. Game wardens told him they didn't think the animal was seriously injured, but was more likely suffering from some bruised ribs - just like Litz.
“I was lucky. I was truly lucky, because I accosted the bear and he let me live,” Litz said. “I truly respect them. They're beautiful creatures.”
You know, of all the scars to have, a badass shoulder-to-ass bearclaw scratch isn't too bad. I'm pretty sure I would find subtle ways to flaunt it.
MitchellC wrote:
You know, of all the scars to have, a badass shoulder-to-ass bearclaw scratch isn't too bad. I'm pretty sure I would find subtle ways to flaunt it.
Embellish it with a tattoo. Maybe of a bear paw at the base of it, so it looks like it's just ripped the scars into the back. Which would be a badass way of illustrating how you got them.
I think I would actually do that, if I had those scars.
ignorant wrote:
“I was lucky. I was truly lucky, because I accosted the bear and he let me live,” Litz said. “I truly respect them. They're beautiful creatures.”
Lucky? He beat the E36 M3 out of it with a bicycle! I'm sure it was terrified - that's why it didn't kill him.
MGAMGB wrote:
and why is it a "black" bear?
Do you prefer African-American?
9/16/08 8:16 a.m.
Because there is no NAABB to launch a campaign to have it changed to "bears of color".
I was mountain biking in Montana once, and came around a bend to find a mama bear and two cubs in the road ahead of me. My cousin yelled "don't stop", but I really didn't plan on stopping. They really are beautiful, but I didn't care to be that close.
I'm glad I ride those noisy ass motorcycles in the woods. The bears etc head for the hills until I pass.
LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Stop joking guys, this is super serial!!!
Wally wrote:
You think I could take him in a fight?